Those who are playing COD:WAW probably know what I'm talking about and if you don't I'll explain: I heard it happened to 3 more people the phenomenon that after reaching level 65 in any prestige and snap out of the server right away the Game + Computer crash and it showed a blue screen (BSOD: Blue Screen Of Death what what?) for one second and restarts itself and then when you start the game again it loads information and then you notice that your prestige + level have been restarted. As for me it happened 3 times: 1. I was on the 3rd prestige > computer crashes > I'm on the level I used to be before I started to play when it crashed (I think it was 45). 2. I was on the 8th prestige (!) > computer crahses > restart all over again > 3. on the 3rd prestige > computer crashes > restart all over again...
It's neither my computer nor my internet connection (I asked 3 guys who had the same problem). What we need now is a Fresh Patch who'd fix it immediately.
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