My Mom she has this processor and it is svchost.exe and it is using 100% of her pc and it keeps on freezing and all and when I do disable it another appears and so it continues that routine.
Is ther away to fix this? Will more ram help? At the moment she has 1.5 gigs of ram. I'm thinking of getting her 1 more gig just so that she can have 2 gigs insteat of 1.5.
Her pc keeps on freezing up and so bad we are unable to mess around with it at all. It was like this on day it was up and running find the next it starts freezing and it takes like half an houre just to get around in the pc and sometimes it wont let us do anything at all.
I'm just tring to figure out how to fix this thing cause it sounds like to me that it may have to be wiped clean and start all over from the beging and if this is so that that will be the last resort.
Aside from that any ideas.
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