I wouldn't buy it, I don't like the ram, powersupply, motherboard and hard drive ... but that's just me.
**nvm had to throw and edit in here, i don't like the case either ....so basically i'd be spending 500 on the CPU cause the rest no thanks.
If you look around you can find better stuff for the same price, example the hard drive you can get the same sized one for 5 dollars less at canadacomputers but it is a 16mb cache instead of the 8 you are buying. the case not enough ventilation buy the coolermaster 690 case for 60 dollars you can put in 8 fans, the powersupply is a generic brand which might not be anything wrong with it but for 100 dollars u could get a nice corsair one which is a tried proven brand, and the memory, well its so cheap I mean they listed at being a $193.00 savings... somethings wrong, and even in the barebones kit they have it listed at being 60.00 ram but you can buy it directly from t.d. for 33 dollars
anyways that's just me
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