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I want to play it but I fell like i'll be wasting money. Blizzard has been shutting down many private servers and I don't know what to do.PS2_PC_FAN
If you like it: Buy it
If you dont like it: Dont buy it, but stop going on private servers also.
I want to play it but I fell like i'll be wasting money. Blizzard has been shutting down many private servers and I don't know what to do.PS2_PC_FAN
Blizz stopped trying to shut down private servers.
And the ones that they shut down will just reform.
Alrighty, what have you heard that makes you want to play?
Because at 80, it's the same grind-heroics-to-get-badges, oh wait, emblems-to-go-to-raids-to-farm-for-hopeful-drops that was at 70 in BC.Once I saw that, I just said, "Not this **** again. I'm not going to do the same thing under a different skin." Granted, a few days after I hit 80, I was doing heroics like mad, but then I stopped and thought about just why I was doing the same damn set of instances every day.
Some people like this, for some unknown reason. I don't.
its a pretty awesome game if u have the time to play.
even if u only play four hours a week its only a dollar an hour, which is much less expensive than most other hobbies
the only problem is that it can be pretty boring without some buddies to play with so u r only gonna have "fun" if u can get some friends to play or make some friends at a low lvl...
the game's replayability is great and u can play it all sorts of ways (PvP, PvE, etc etc.)
Of course... not everyone enjoys some of the social interaction that goes on, and there can be some real @$%@& that play... but other than that it is a good game to try even if u just play the demo
I second this. I quit playing wow the same day I got Wotlk, the recent expansion. I was a hardcore player (pvp'er and pve'er) for a few years. It's a lot of grinding, a heavy reliance of several other players for gear, and therefore, a huge time investment. It will always be that way; no changing that. Quitting that (addicting) game was a definite smart move.Alrighty, what have you heard that makes you want to play?
Because at 80, it's the same grind-heroics-to-get-badges, oh wait, emblems-to-go-to-raids-to-farm-for-hopeful-drops that was at 70 in BC.Once I saw that, I just said, "Not this **** again. I'm not going to do the same thing under a different skin." Granted, a few days after I hit 80, I was doing heroics like mad, but then I stopped and thought about just why I was doing the same damn set of instances every day.
Some people like this, for some unknown reason. I don't.
Lol.. just setup your own private server on your pc. Contrary to popular believe, servers that use mangos are not illegal because they use no actual Blizzard code. All you have to do is install the freeware server and it uses all the database info from your client. Thats why there are so many out there.
That being said, is worth it. In fact my primary recommendation is to just pay and play, because the free servers are no where as good as the first party ones. Clipping problems, broken quests...blah....been there.
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