well...im using phenom II x3 710. i see lots of games require quad core. so i was juz thinking of moving to quad.
Or is it too soon? Coz games that im looking foward to play are assassin's creed 2, alien vs predator, rage, mass effect 2 and a lot of heavy stuff.
n im playing at 1080p.
There are NO games that REQUIRE a quad-core. There are an increasing number of games that RECOMMEND a quad-core. I have yet to play a game that didn't play silky-smooth on my E8400@ 3.8ghz. I play all the demanding ones too.. The fact is that the vast majority of games out right now can't even utilize a triple or quad-core CPU, because they're not written for it.
To the O.P.-- Unless your 4890 isn't doing to job you want it to, I say keep it. I went from an 8800GTS 512 OC'd (G92) to my 5870, and this was a massive upgrade for Crysis/Warhead/Far Cry 2.. and of course future games. However, even my G92 GTS still handled almost anything at max settings at 1680x1050, and you could make the argument that I shouldn't have upgraded. Don't upgrade unless you're rich, or your computer is struggling with the games you want to play. I don't like to have to turn ANY settings down on ANY game I play at my resolution, so I went for the 5870.
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