This is going to be big news for most...that is, for those who have never heard of a community CoD4 mod called X4 (
Allegedly, Modern Warfare 2 will have a tactical nuke as a Killstreak of 25. Welcome to MW2...or is it X4? The following pic was tweeted on Twitpic by randomalec today:
Many of our hardcore PC readers will already know that the X4 (eXtreme mod for CoD4) mod from (PST*Joker's site) had a working Tac Nuke a year ago.
First, take a look at this video done for the X4 mod:
Now, here's the MW2 version:
That I know of, there is still no formal recognition of the modders that influenced the nuke, the controllable AC130, the knife-throw, the spawn protection, air drops...the list is growing. When asked for to comment on the discovery that yet another X4-like feature is in MW2, a disconsolate PST*Joker had this to say:
"Half the PC players, All of the Xbox and PS3 players, can now know what mods can do for a game. They will all get the opportunity to see exactly what WE have been doing over the years and what kind of servers WE have been creating"
Buster, from had a slightly more sardonic take:
"Jokers AC130. Jokers Nukes. My Winter Ghillie Suit and uniforms. My idea posted on Bowling's blog 1 year ago about the KRISS Weapon system. Lol! What's next our Gamer Tags? Our Wives? Maybe they will steal our idea about dedicated servers..."
All other Killstreaks:
Kill Streak Reward
3 UAV 4 Care Package
4 Counter UAV
5 Sentry Gun
5 Predator Missile
6 Precision Airstrike
7 Hammer Strike
7 Attack Helicopter
8 Emergency Airdrop
9 Pave Low
9 Stealth Bomber
11 Chopper Gunner
11 AC130 15 EMP 25 Tactical Nuke
why remove mods from MW2 IW?
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