Just bought this off of GoG and am becoming incredibly frustrated. I'm all for turn based strategy, but the implementation of action points in this is so bad it's nigh unplayable. For instance I can literally take no more than 2-3 steps a turn before I have no AP left, which leaves me nothing else for shots or using items, nothing. I can barely move, much less fight. Need to reload? There goes a turn. It's ridiculous, and I'm getting slaughtered, not helped by the fact that the enemy seems to have three times as many AP as I do and can travel a significant distance AND fire multiple times before their turn ends.
Does this get better as the game goes on? I have a hard time believing this is the way it is and that maybe I'm doing something wrong. Are there any mods that increase APs? It seems like a cool game but I'm quickly getting to the end of my rope with this.
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