Fair number of games from Russia have been released that try to capture the feel of Jagged Alliance. Sadly, none of the devlopers have been able (or perhaps not willing) to hire quality translators and writers. You get some good combat engines, but poor sense of character and atmosphere.
Silent Storm is a lot of fun, but the voice acting is painful and the end portion of the game is poorly balanced.
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge has a decent tactical engine and a fairly faithful strategic layer similar to JA2, but it's riddled with bugs and poor translation.
Brigade E5: New Jagged Union (lot of use of the word Jagged being thrown about. It's almost as if they're trying to associate themselves with something, isn't it?) has a great tactical engine, but there's almost zero in the way of charater interaction or dialogue which is surprising because the developers hired the head writer for Jagged Alliance 2 to write the game's back story and missions.
7.62mm: High Calibre is the sequel to Brigade E5. It's been out in Russian and German for almost a year now, but the English release keeps getting pushed back. You can buy the German version online and install a 3rd party English language patch, but the translation errors are still there and the voicework is all in Russian.
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