Have had it since release. Absolutely love the game. Here is a quick gameplay of the second highest difficulty on one stage Jamestown: Legend of the Lost colony
Outside the normal stages, you have a slew of challenge maps, a gauntlet mode (play through whole game withoout dying), and offcourse a very nice leaderboard. As with all shmups, the idea is not neccessarily to just play through all stages and finish but to do so while either not dieing or going for the biggest possilbe score you can for leaderboards... Add in some local coop which runs very nicely (like everyone has said, online multiplayer would have catapulted the game to some extremely great) and its one very nice game.
Anyone curious, just about ANY input device works without hassle for the game. I plugged in snes arcade sticks (usb adapter) and just set controllers, same for ps2, and 360 wired.. Fantastic game. Any fan of shmups would enjoy this game for some time.
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