It's to be expected that seemingly so many people are having problems with this title.
Assassin's Creed, for example, across multiple platforms, and coming up on almost two years, has sold 8 million copies, which the developer said has completely surpassed any expectations that they might have had.
In just one week The Sims 3, by comparison, has sold almost 2 million copies, on just one platform, the PC. Ask any developer and they'll tell you that the PC is a nightmare to develop for, since there are literally thousands of different configurations. If a game is buggy on, say, 5% of all people's computers, then it follows that you're going to hear from a lot more people if the game has a wider release.
The Sims 3 is going to continue to sell for years to come - and eventually most of these issues are going to be ironed out. The only way that this game is not going to work for you, after the inevitable patches, is if the problem is with your computer. Been downloading much porn lately? Those websites you visited - were they clean? Don't blame EA if you can't refrain from visiting questionable websites and downloading pornography.
I always say to people, you need two computers, one for your gaming, and one for your porn. Your porn computer should be a cheap laptop, which you can keep hidden away in a lower desk drawer or something. Your gaming PC, the costly one, should be kept off the net - except for multiplayer of course and for verifying your games via Steam or what have you.
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