King's Bounty: TL is very similar to the Heroes of Might and Magic series. You control a hero character of a chosen class, recruit an army and travel a big overhead map picking up resources / god / magic items. Level up and get more spells / better stats / bigger armies. The only really difference between Heroes of Might and Magic and Kings Bounty is that KB doset let you own / build castles and you 'only' have one hero unit. It's a fun enjoyable game.
In the trivia department, Kings Bounty:TL is actually a remake of a very old game that essentially was the first Heroes of Might and Magic, or at least the game that 'invented' the HoMM sub-genre.
well, King's Bounty was released in early 90s. this game is the second game.
the difference between King's Bounty: The Legend and HoMM is that KB:TL is a role-playing game (even more so than the original) while HoMMs are strategy games.
in KB:TL we actually play a character, rather than recruiting heroes. the main story is progressed, unveiled through king's main line of missions, yet the whole narrative is an assembly of all the quests taken.
there's no strategy resource gathering here since there's no tower/guild building that sort of things! all the things gathered is for the player character's (and spoiler: family members') own ability leveling up.
it's not that the game "doesn't allow" us to build castle, this is not a strategy game to being with (there is no "allow or not" to speak of). we don't have one hero unit, we are that hero/player character.
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