I'm running XP in Boot Camp but the audio editor I have doesn't have full VST support for Waves. Do any of you know of one with a decent interface like Adobe Audition but has complete VST support? It can be Mac or PC.
i use acid 6.0 , i think acid 4.0 is freeware now you should be able to get it from sonys acid website. i used it for the longest time for audio recording (guitars, keyboards, bass, vocals, everything!!!) i actually recommend acid over protools as its more user friendly and more open with your input devices (protools requires protools inputs and such)
Thanks again. I'll be researching all of these to make sure I buy the right one. I never spent $8900 on Waves just to use part of what it has to offer.
Acid is a great little program, but if you are looking for a free method, might I suggest Audacity. It's on every majory platform so you can use it on both XP and share your work with OS-X. You will of course need to download the correct version for each OS, but again it could be a usefull option. You will also need to find a VST plugin as Audacity does suppot many differnt audio plugins. It's biggest drawback is it's lack of help/support (when comapred to to commercial products). One way or another you can figure out what to do with it, but it may simply take longer than one of the other programs listed above. But hey, at least it's a good, free alternative.
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