true but i've noticed that in the very beginning it is already very fun
i think it might be the way the level is designed in terms of everything being fairly close together and the excitement being maintained
nwn2 started in a similar way as kotor, but the nwn2 beginning was boring, while the kotor beginning is fantasticthe l
i think it might be because the level is carefully designed so that you have a buildup of excitement, and no long running around looking for enemies or objects
one can notice that the distances in kotor are much smaller, and there are certain confrontations or charachters that you can meet near every part of the game
for example on taris on one of the runways things you have some bounty hunters on one end, a preacher on the other, some drunks in the middle, and a cantina shop and apartment on the sides
so wherever you go you can have part of the ambiet feel, and not just during cutscenes like in many other games
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