I'd like to chime in and say that AvP is indeed crap and isn't worth $2.99. There's an infinite amount of better things you can spend that money on, trust me. Every campaign is completely garbage and the game reeks of donkey doo-doo in every corner. Here are some things that stood out in particular:
1) Poor control for all the races (remember how well all the races handled in AvP 1 and 2? It's absolutely nothing like those games). For example, no race can even crouch anymore. The melee is awkward and the shooting is unimpressive. The control and functionality of each race is minimum this time around.
2) Mediocre graphics. It's like they took a game from 1999, gave it DX11, and called it a day. All the environments are often corridor-like (even the forests) and feature little to no environmental detail. The animations in particular stick out like a sore thumb (nothing in this game looks natural whatsoever). A tip I have is to turn off the motion blur and the ambient occlusion, because the people who implemented it had no idea what they were doing. If you slightly sway the screen, the motion blur is 100x more exaggeration than it needs to be and so is the ambient occlusion. They laid the AO on so thick that it appears everything is cell shaded.
3) Boring gameplay. Played the first hour of the marine campaign and it feels as if they haven't even played the first 2 games. No kiddin, they do absolutely nothing to make the Marine campaign stand out from the previous games! Additionally, the dev's understanding of tension and horror is really poor, so all their attempts to scare the player are awkward and annoying. The Predator and Alien campaigns were slightly better but still ultimately boring and underdeveloped.
And that's how I would describe the game. Boring and undeveloped. It's a complete waste of time and money. I can list off dozens of free games that are leagues better than this steaming pile. Want AvP? Replay 1 and 2 IMO. I replayed AvP 2 only a couple years ago it was tons of fun.
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