But I totally disagree with TF2 not being a competitive game. You should see some of the high level TF2 games out there, it's just as competitive as Counter-Strike, or Quake. The game has everything to make it a competitive one.Chiddaling
I watch the high level Team Fortress 2 games occasionally. In fact I played on a cevo team for the second season they ran it. Every game boiled down to 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, a demo and a medic. The only variation is swapping out for a sniper or heavy occasionally depending on the map. Spy, engy and Pyro saw almost no play.
If the game was balanced every class would see play or at least have a niche like surprise last pick. League of Legends had the same problem. Heroes of Newerth on the other hand has a reason to pick every hero. Night Hound, the stealth hero in Heroes of Newerth, is used a bit for a last pick since no one expects it and he dominates the role of stealth ganker. When was the last time you saw Eve in a competitive game?
Disagree in every point here must say, Balance is well placed, runes doesn't affect a lot - they add about 3% advantage, since when a competitive game should a must have option for spectator or replay option??? every multiplayer can be defined as competitive; Aside that I see your sig and user icon of GW2, and I may guess you love tactic wise games, LoL is one of them and you can't deny it (p.s I'm also a GW fan)PredatorRules
The runes add a huge advantage. I have to play tons of games to unlock every one which is grinding. I shouldn't have to spend time figuring out what runes I want and I should be focusing on counterpicking against the enemy teams composition.
Not to mention every little edge counts. At the start of a game I have something like 500 life on Kassadin (my favorite hero in LoL) without any runes. The runes give me close to 100 life. Now if I get into a skirmish with another Kassadin who doesn't have that 100 life who is going to win provided both are same level, skills and life?
I'm not denying that League of Legends is a game with tactics. But every game has tactics like you said and it depends on how deep they go. Halo has tactics and so does Call of Duty but would you call either of those competitive outside of a small group of friends?
On the people who are talking about Heroes of Newerth. Cannot agree more on the community, really hoping DotA 2 does something for the genre's... unique community.
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