In my opinion, MMOs live and die or skate by on mediocrity based on one thing...community.
LOTRO community is relatively small and, from my experience, insular. People are in guilds and they tend to keep to themselves, without branching out or socializing outside. Its a good game, but the lack of a solid community hinders it.
WoW on the other hand has a ginormous community. Sure, with this large size comes a larger amount of immature players, but you cannot deny the sheer amount of friendly, fun, and generally enjoyable players to be around.
So yes, I think you should leave LOTRO for WoW. Maybe not yet, but when WoW: Cataclysm comes out I suggest you go out and buy the original WoW and expansions. Everyone will be making new characters, and it would be a good time to get in on the action.
No offense but a lot of that makes no sense. Who cares how big the "community" is when a sever can only hold a finite amount of people? The servers in WoW hold no more players than LotRO or WAR or AION or EQ2, etc. WoW could have 80 billion subscribers and it would be irrelevant to anyone's game experience because a server, regardless of the game, still only has the capacity to accommodate a few thousand players.
The game-play argument simply comes down to a matter of opinion. Personally, I don't consider running the same raid instance over and over and over game-play or content but some people do. I also thought the combat in both games was the same slow and montenous MMORPG combat that we've come to expect. The combat in neither game comes to close to the combat in a MMORPG like City of Heroes or even Champions Online.
So, for the most part, other than the mind-numbing raids and almost fetish like obsession with gear in WoW, both games are pretty similar. LotRO has a MUCH better story and it is integrated into the game very nicely. I played WoW up to level 80 and I couldn't tell you if there was a story or not. The quests in both games are pretty much the same generic Fed-Ex quests, although the "collection quests" are much better done and not nearly as grinding in LotRO as they are in WoW.
Honestly, I have to laugh when people praise WoW like it's something new, unique or different. Sorry, but it ain't. The only thing new about WoW is the amount of ridiculous hype generated for yet another generic fantasy MMORPG with an unbelievable amount of grind.
so sorry man, but there are like 40 or whatever WoW servers, and the least populated one has about ten times as many players as the most populated LOTRO server.
Ive played on the Brandywine server (the most popular), its a relative ghost town in comparison.
And that is besides the point, only half of my argument pertains to population.
The other half refers to community. People in WoW are generally friendly, casual gamers. Yes, there are diehard raiding guilds run by little German boys screaming "50 DKP minus!" (***swearing*** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtvIYRrgZ04) , but the bulk of gamers are casual, friendly folks that just want to go on, socialize, joke, and do some questing and dungeons.
So, as I said, population counts for something (whats the point of an MMO without a large group of people to play and socialize with) but the community matters, and WoW has a really good, friendly, inviting community.
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