Yes. After doing some testing with my clan's dedicated server's config file, it seems the z_difficulty in the config is carrying over to the versus mode. We had it on Expert and the AI zombies were hitting for 20hp per swing. It was also sometimes spawning tanks within the first 10 seconds of the round starting. If a team was well organized, and the Boomer was on the ball - levels were lasting no more than 2-3 minutes a piece. Expert is definitely not suited well for Vs.
We put it back to Normal (using the callvote feature when we we played coop), and Vs seemed to easy. The mobs weren't a threat, and a Zombie team had to hope for a really lucky tank spawn or the like for success. If the survivor was well suited, there was no chance. I changed it to Advanced, and this seems to be the sweet spot. AI zombies hit for about 10hp per swing, keeping the Boomer the most important role on the zombie team, and keeping the AI zombie mobs a respectable threat. Everyone that's played on our server has agreed - Advanced feels just right.
Also, you can sort the games in the gamebrowser. Usually Vs. is played on Normal but if you see a server with the map listed as "xxxxx VS - Expert", then you know what difficulty it is set to. Also, when you join a game you can type z_difficulty in the console to find out what the difficulty is set to for the Vs. mode. Also note that the difficulty really only pertains to how hard the AI zombies hit. All the player boss zombies still do the same amount of damage.
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