What do you think of the series-Blood Omen 1,2 Soul Reaver 1,2 and Defience rate them and tell me the best one.Now I'm playing Blood Omen 2 (great game-but grafics :( ) andi finished defience,tell me me the next game i need to buy from Legacy of Kain
This is the best game in the series ever. You can play as both Kain and Reziel charecter. This is an awesome fun. go and collect it. Soul Reaver and Blood Omen is one of my all time favourite game series.
  I like Raziel, so for me the Soul Reaver games are more fun, didn't like Blood Omen 2, but Defiance is OK and I think that Defiance could have been the best game in the series if only Crystal Dynamics made 2 different gameplay stiles for Raziel and Kain.
the first blood omen was really great - i remember renting it (for the playstation) all those years ago, it was cool - but i only spent a weekend with it, so i didn't exactly get far... i think it was the first game i'd ever played as a vampire though - and it was a great feeling
i completely loved soul reaver when it came out, it was one of my favourite games at the time - i tried replaying it about a year ago and it was just so absurdly computer gamey - the combat was totally formulaic and the puzzles were routine and the bosses were all just so... so.. just so... so damn computer gamey! i didn't even enjoy the world or atmosphere as much... did not age well, at all (or i just grew out of it, probably a bit of both)
but i nevertheless went and tried soul reaver 2 - wow, what the hell happened? the combat lost all fluidity - i just hated the entire game right from the start... good job it was so cheap, because it went straight back in the box
and that's where my legacy of kain experience ended... wish i'd never gone back and replayed any of it now... because i really liked liking the series - not gonna go anywhere near it again, i think
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