Graphics. The graphics are great, but not out of the ordinary. That´s enough said about the graphics.gpvalkyrie
That in itself is pretty debatable. Crysis easily has the best visuals I've ever seen in a game. And the draw distance - nothing I've ever played as even come close. Oblivion had a decent draw distance, but at times, it looked like green mush. Crysis has a spectacularly long draw distance and it looks great. Compared with a corridor shooter, it sure is out of the ordinary. Plus, how many games get vegetarian right? How many games have vegetation that has physical properties the player can affect? Not just breakable trees, but plants with fronds you can push out of your way. That may not be visuals per se, but it certainly affects how the game looks.
Enemy AI. Ok, before that, we got about 4 different types of enemies. Helmet wearing ones, ones that forgot to wear it, one type with a Beret and another one, so they all look the same basically. Did Chris Tucker make this game or did the developers refer to the movie Rush Hour II where he said "you asians look all the same" because to me, this was a horrible point in the game. Plus, the enemy AI is ok, not that astonishing, they try to flank you nicely, they act all scared and shoot at all directions like the dude with the big hat from Predator and his mini-gun (Jessie James), but that´s about it. So many times I shoot at someone and they just stand there and don´t even react.gpvalkyrie
You forgot to mention one of the coolest things about the AI. It remembers things. It has a sort of a RPG-style hate list, and it queues things up in order of importance, then runs down its list. If the AI catches a glimpse of you, but you react quickly and lob a grenade, the AI will go and check out the explosion, but after that it will come back and check out the stuff it was originally interested in. I have never seen an AI do that, and it impresses the hell out of me. Especiallyif your particular playstyle revolves around distractions - playing against a large group of AIs, everything just synergises really well and I would say the Crysis AI is, pound for pound, the best FPS AI out there right now. As for appearances, I don't care too much. A game with 50 character models will make me go oh cool when I get up close, while a game with 5 character models will make me go ehh, lazy - but in the end, it won't affect my enjoyment of the game. It's not a distinction between good and bad, as far as I'm concerned.
Tactics. Ok, I HATE when I see in previous that you can strangle people and punch them and they fly 100feet through the air and then you walk towards machine gun emplacements getting fired at witht he Maximum Armor mode because when I do that in Crysis, I die in 2-3 seconds. So, this reminded me of C&C Renegade. Make fancy movies and then talk pansy.gpvalkyrie
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here, but I think you're trying to say that they exaggerated the effectiveness of things in videos. Personally, I don't care. I think it's all extremely well balanced in the game. Playing on hard, I got the impression that I was an elite solider, a member of a covert spearhead, and that the only reason I could do the things I could do was because I was wearing some fifty-billion-dollar trousers. I think that's just great. I felt like an elite soldier, not like superman. I didn't feel like a one man army, either. I felt like a commando who used advanced technology to survive. I haven't tried it (if it's even possible), but I think if the nanosuit could be disabled, every fight would end in almost immediate death. It may be something of a computer game contrivance, since we still are a superman, but it's handled in a realistic context - which just feels good to me.
Single Player campaign is I beat in 1 day, I think5 or so hours of gameplay. When I was ready to go back to the island I am greeted with a "there will be a part 2" but this time, I won´t be all hyped about it.gpvalkyrie
That's the thing with sandbox games. They're as good as you make them, they're as long as you make them - within reason. If you finished it in five hours, you must've skipped a lot of fights, and when you did fight, you go in all guns blazing. I played the game as a stealth game, slow paced - I hunted, I stalked, I assassinated. It took me nine hours. What you did is the equivalent of playing GTA, but only driving at the speed limit, not breaking any laws and only using cars you legally purchased, then calling the game boring.
People, the game was good entertainment, it is good, I agree, but all this hype and this and that, that it would revolutionate pc gaming, you can count me out on that one. gpvalkyrie
I think Crysis is a great game that definitely gives future developers something to aim for right across the board, but I think revolutionise is hyperbole. Crysis hasn't really changed anything - improved, sure, but not changed. It's not the be-all end-all of PC gaming, it's not the second coming, it's not the male multiple orgasm. It's just a really good game, and I do think you yourself limited how good the game is for you, by how you chose to play the game. The tools are there, you just gotta use them.
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