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its a good game but its completly different from the original counterstrikehalocheese
lol completely different? I wouldn't say that, maybe the feel of the game may be different along with the new maps that may add to the factor, but completely different? I couldn't feel confident saying that. As i played CSS after being a long time player of CS i instantly knew that i was playing a clone with new engine. That's how far as it really does go. But ontop of that, i must have outgrew CSS because i haven't played it in some months and don't have any sort of urge or want to play it for that matter. After CSS i found BF2 and that stuck with me for a while (i think mostly because of the ranking system and feeling of self achievment recorded) but even that i don't find myself wanting to play or play. Both great games, and definately not a game to have not been played if you are intrigued by PC gaming.
Tried it, just couldn't get into it....not my thing.kittencrusherIt takes a lot of time and practice to get good at it.
lets see , if you can get into a source clan regular source is pretty fun but if you are the lone wolf who runs n guns ahead of everyone only expect lots of kills if your up against new players who dont have team skills yet. personally i never found a clan that seemed worthwhile so i switched to the zombie mod servers trying to find one that dont use the jetpack mod has reload and limited ammunition . that way if you dont work together your screwed and become either dead or revive as a zombie when attacked by one up close.
i think of it as practice for the upcoming left4dead game which will be 4 player co-op survival horror.with the option for 4 other people to join your game as zombie Boss monsters and top of the line AI gamemaster that places zombies at random during the whole session it should be quite the challengeing experience. unfortunatley they are not yet in the beta open testing stage and it might be delayed from its february 2008 release date... plus escape situations with only 3 other people instead of an escape map on a css zombie mod you wont have 40+ people jumpin on each others heads to get to the escape zone first b4 the zombie spawns get everyone.
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