With the release of "Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures", there is a tremendous amount of people playing, in fact who are playing right now and love it to death. Anyways, what are your guys's opinions of Rated "M" mmorpgs? What if minor kids actually play these types of games?
Anyways... here are the list of MMORPGs I'm currently interested in playing that are Rated "M":
1. Age of Conan (P2P Mmorpg)
2. Requiem: Bloodymare (Free Beta testing mmorpg)
3. Rohan Online (Free MMORPG "Open Beta" in May 27,2008 )
Sorry about the labeling, just trying to isolate the pay to play ones from the free to play ones. And to be honest, FREE TO PLAY MMMORPGs are actually pretty good in terms of the gameplay and community of people who play it. Free MMORPGs nowadays have the so-called optional "Pay feature" to those people who want to pay for extra stuff that actually won't ruin the economy of the game(because we will have too much people paying for their stuff in free mmorpgs) and I don't know the term for that, but that's what I think about free mmorpgs.
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