I am looking for a good single player game to dive into. Below is what I have already played.
Kotor, Kotor 2, Mass effect, mass effect 2, Bioshock, bioshock 2, Swat series, CoH, Age of empires series, Dragon age, Dragon age 2, Fable, Portal 1 and 2, COD series, left 4 dead series. Diablo 1 and 2, Fear series, Fallout 3, fallout new vegas, GTA Series, the orange box.
I know that is alot of great games that I have played to death, but im looking for something iv not played yet. Age of the game is not important. The only game type I do not like it turn based RPG's.
Edit: please stop saying witcher 1 and 2 :P tried the demo a bit ago and I hated it. Just felt clunky and not very fun. To each there own tho, I am sure plenty of you do enjoy it. And additional thanks to everyone who has provided me with some feed back.
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