I just picked up BF3 a couple of days ago, and the game runs like crap on my system in the 64 player rooms. I am reasonably confident that my processor is to blame (Athlon II x3 425 @ 3.5GHz), as changing the graphical settings below high settings does nothing to help the framerate, and task manager always reports the processor usage as being maxed out.
I'm therefor looking to replace my processor with something better. My budget is ~$300, so a 2500K+compatible motherboard is not out of the question, though I'd rather spend less than that and also not have to go through the hassle of replacing the hold-down plate on my waterblock with an LGA1155 compatible one.
The AMD processors that I'm looking at are the Phenom II 960T, the Phenom II 980 (OEM), and the Phenom II 1090T.
I've got a Microcenter at St. Louis that's maybe an hour and a half's drive away (and I don't mind going there every once in awhile), so their in-store 2500K deal is also an option. If I do pick up a 2500k, I'd probably take advantage of their $60 off deal on motherboards while I'm at it.
Thoughts? I'm not very familiar with how well the Phenom II quads perform in 64 player rooms, so I'm slightly hesitant to pick one up. Also, would there be any benefit in picking up a hexacore at this point, or should I stick with a quad? And finally, with an OEM processor, would there be any form of warranty on the processor after the 30 day period is up?
Thanks in advance.
I ended up purchasing the Phenom II 980 (it had a promo code for $10 off, I couldn't resist :P), and I was quite surprised at how much of a difference it made. Not only did the framerate double in some areas, it also felt less jittery in comparison to the Athlon II x3 when the framerate dipped to the lower 30's. What's also slightly alarming is the fact that even when at 4.3GHz, I still see the CPU usage in task manager approach 70% on all cores :shock:.
So I guess my only theories are that either:
A: Battlefield 3 puts a hellova high load on the processor when running on DX10 cards.
B: Battlefield 3 just really needs a relatively powerful processor in the 64 player rooms.
The framerate does drop to the 30's every once in a while in some of the more heated close-quarters maps, so I might pick up one or two 6850/6870's at some point to test these theories.
Also, if there's anyone else out there who is looking to upgrade from an Athlon II dual core or tri-core and is cosidering the Phenom II 980, the 980 certainly gets my recommendation. The bugger hits 4.3GHz without too much trouble at all, and I imagine 4.5GHz is doable with decent cooling and a bit of tweaking. Plus, I believe there is a promo code on Newegg right now which puts it at around $135, which is about $10 more than the 960T.
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