I am looking for a new laptop for college, however NOT a mac, I want a PC. I am not very computer educated so any help would be great. I am planning on doing some gaming, with games such as: Civilization V, Counter Strike Source, Tropico 3...etc. any other game suggestions would be great, I like RPGs, FPS, RTS, Turn Based, Simulators...etc. I was thinking of getting a Toshiba or Sony? Although I don't know how good they are. I am willing to spend between $450-$999. Sorry if I didn't do this forum post right also because i'm new to the forums. Thank you!
fatcat13sep's suggestion is spot on. You may want to look around a little bit and see if you can find one that has a slightly less powerful CPU, and a better GPU, but nonetheless the suggested build is a good one for what you need.
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