Hi. I'm kind of new to the genre, but i'm really interested in futuristic space RPG's. I want decent graphics. Also, I don't want to play an MMO. I want a good storyline, and few glitches if any. I'm mainly looking for more recent games (2007 and on). Also, I'm looking for a Space RTS. Would Starcraft II be the choice? Thanks.
My friend than you must try out Freelancer. An awesome game still wastly played, telling story of colonists in deep far space with futuristic space countries of different cultures fighting for supremacy, it's all about economy, political machinations, plotting, treason, and you as a lonely mercenary trying to make a living in there somehow. It has an awesome Single Campaign, very easy in handling, but more of that it is a Semi-MMO as game consists of devices that allow you to open up a server with databases for over 250+ players, and there are such free private serves opened for online gameplay for everyone. Problem is, it is a game from 2003, but aint bad looking, best you check it out on google....starcraft2 are the two best space RTS games out there right now
Yeah aspeciauly wehn you like playing same old boring game with outdated gameplay from 1998 with just fancier 3d graphics, no tactical approach and strategy aspect of the game reduced to it's minimum. You better go play Ground Control - you got squads, not mass of single units, things like terrain, morale and unit experience do matter, flanking and all is important and game is truely chalenging, unlike Starcraft 2, when you just gather potatoes and spam enemy till he runs out of his potato fields...
Sorry, but imho Starcraft 2 was a joke... and an insult. 12 years of waiting and all they gave you was a graphic patch for the game from the late 90's.
Seriously, try looking at gameplay of Ground Control on youtube - you won't be dissapinted. Also an interesting story stands behind the game of two factions that long ago lost contact with earth and try to find a mythical relict ship to fix it and return home, to a legendary planet earth, from the hostile enviroment they were condemned to live in... damn it was such a good game I'm gonna play it right now!
there you go, a clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkELaZ1FmVQ&feature=related
In fact it is a game that pushed RTS genere to an evolution two years after first Star Craft, it introduced new graphics, squad battle, and first time in sci fi or modern RTS genere on such scale you could miss your target, depending on conditions, if your units were away their accuracy reduced, power of their guns also, hiding in high grass made your infantry harder to spot and hit, while the angle of impact ment a lot to an armored battle, deciding wether your tank can survive or not. Splendid I tell you!
Also Mech Commander 2 - like above! More story, grand political conflict and you as a leader of mercenary group stuck deep in the shait of fighting for supremacy! Wast possibility of customizing your machines, equiping them with weapons and items of your choice, choosing right pilots to command them, as they gained experienced and new skills you could administer them to use on the battlefield. Insanely well done! Far more superior to Star Craft!
And thats a MC2 for you, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7QyRCth1Qg
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