All you need to know is that a 3.5GHz i7 920 averages 90 FPS (57 min.) vs a 3.9GHz PII X4 965's 71.3 FPS (47 min.) in a newly released game at 1680x1050, all settings maxed.
90 FPS / 71.3 FPS = 26% increase.
Oh, that is it. In that case I will ignore this while posting these benchmarks (smiling along the way) :)
I like how you link to 3 different sites all showing the same game running the CPU at stock speeds... Hard core PC gamers OC their systems & if they don't well thats just sad, as that is one of the awesome abilities the PC has over consoles.
After many benchmarks & other tests the system was running fine with a 28% OC on the Phenom II. In general it isn't a 30% gain across all games. Nor a 30% gain in benchmark results. I was able to OC my Phenom II and get a 28% increase in perofmance while the system stayed stable in all games. With my i7 I was able to get a 56% OC while fully stable. In that translates the fact in some games I saw upto a 30% increase in performance...
Now if you take stock speeds yes you might get a 10% increase.. But I am talking OC'ing potential...
I have been bulding & OC'ing PC's for years I know how to bench & I know how to OC. The i7 is a superior chip & it can been seen in many benchmarks across the web.
Some benchmarks that back my results...
FarCry 2: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-versus-i7,2360-6.html
World in Conflict: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-versus-i7,2360-7.html
Tom Clancery's H.A.W.K:http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-versus-i7,2360-9.html
Prototype: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-versus-i7,2360-12.html
Again not all games will see such a huge increase as not all games will utilize every aspect of what a CPU can do.
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