Frontlines is cr@p, burn it, don't miss it, that's the last game you'd want to buy, if you are lucky you will find max 250 players online in the whole world not in one country or something, lag is like a feature of it, empty servers, only 4 full and the others with less than 8 players and there are about 9 servers that people play on them. Story sucks, gameplay sucks, graphics, even tough it's UE3, it sucks, boring as hell and that's about it:).If you really want a game out of those 3 get WiC , it is very good, fun and it has a good feeling :). Other games you might consider buying is COD4, Orange Box, Supreme Commander and Company of Heroes.
Lost (if you were thinking on Lost, not Lost Planet) is the Worst RPG in the last 7 years, linear, stupid voice acting, mediocre graphics, brings nothing new other than the story from the tv show, and it has lots of problems, one thing that is awesome at it :D the menu. it's just the best i've seen.
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