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In my opinion, LotRO is a game that tried to copy the WoW formula and put a unique spin on it, but utterly failed in most respects. Not that it is a bad game, but it just isnt anywhere near the quality of WoW. And no, it doesnt really get any better at high levels.RossRichard
Okay, that's what I was thinking. Didn't really think it got better at higher levels. I guess I might stick with it for a bit longer maybe since I have friends playing it, but honestly, I most likely will just keep playing WoW, especially with WotLK coming soon.
LOTRO is different from WoW. WoW is more action based, and LOTRO is more imersion based, so you can wonder the landscape, talk to people etc.FelipeInside
^ This
LOTRO is perfect for explorers, immersion-whores, and Tolkien fanboys. I am, admittedly, all three.
"it ripped off WoW" ... oh, the irony. :lol:
[QUOTE="chrisrooR"]It tried, and failed, to copy WoW. -wildflower-
Yes, because WoW is just SO original.:roll:
WoW is an ePeen loot-whore game, LotRO isn't. It's as simple as that. LotRO's community is made up of adults (for the most part) and WoW's is a bunch of trashy "lowest common denominator" pedestrian types. The best thing about LotRO is that it doesn't appeal to the mouth-breathing dreck that plays WoW. If nothing else that makes it a good game.
Because all WoW players are low life degenerates with no lives :roll:In my opinion, LotRO is a game that tried to copy the WoW formula and put a unique spin on it, but utterly failed in most respects. Not that it is a bad game, but it just isnt anywhere near the quality of WoW. And no, it doesnt really get any better at high levels.RossRichard
my fanboy senses are tingling :o
i played lotro at a friends and it seemed like a really fun game that keeps you playing without forcing you to spend six hours a day in the black temple trying to gear up. lotro to me was the type of game that is really fun, but you don't beome a huge addict to it.the only reason i dont have lotro is because i'm stuck with a crap laptop that can barely run wow.
[QUOTE="chrisrooR"]It tried, and failed, to copy WoW. -wildflower-
Yes, because WoW is just SO original.:roll:
WoW is an ePeen loot-whore game, LotRO isn't. It's as simple as that. LotRO's community is made up of adults (for the most part) and WoW's is a bunch of trashy "lowest common denominator" pedestrian types. The best thing about LotRO is that it doesn't appeal to the mouth-breathing dreck that plays WoW. If nothing else that makes it a good game.
Well by insulting WoW players in an immature fashion, that doesn't speak much for the maturity of the "adult" LOTRO community.
[QUOTE="Toriko42"]Because all WoW players are low life degenerates with no lives :roll:-wildflower-
No, not all of them but I would say 90% of them are. I would also say that their taste in games and probably most anything else (movies, books, whatever) is very suspect. WoW is a very common game. It's made for the groundlings.
You seem to take jabs at the WoW community, but don't really provide why LOTRO is a better game. Other than the community. Are there jerks in WoW? Of course, that's to be expected in a game with over 10 million subscribers. Also, depends on the type of realm. Play on an RP PvE realm in WoW, and you'll probably have a lot different type of community than on a straight up PvP server.
A post I made a couple of months back, when the subject of LoTRO vs. WoW.
LoTRO is basically WoW with different graphics. It has many of the same features, such as an auction house, mail, similar crafting, instances, elites, etc. About the only thing content wise it has that WoW doesnt is housing, which in my opinion was done very poorly. Any housing system where you cant decorate the house the way you want it, and you cant place things where you want to, is just shoddy and a poor excuse for housing.
LoTRO fans will tell you that the community is more mature, but to be honest I didnt notice the difference. Sure there are a few people that are great to be with, but most of the groups you will get into are immature and in a hurry, just like in WoW. Also like the community in WoW, 80% of the population will ignore you. Also like in WoW, the official forums are basically LoTRO PvP whine-central. About the biggest difference between LoTRO's community and WoW's community is there are a whole lot less people in LoTRO.
Character-wise, they have the standard Tank/Mage/Healer/Hybrid setup. A couple of things that really bothered me is the only class that can heal themselves is the Minstrel (healer), unless they recently changed that. Makes it frustrating if you play a hybrid healing class. Another thing that really bothered me is there isnt a true pet class. Two classes have pets, but the pets are so weak that there is never any hope for them tanking anything equal level. I heard that the Loremaster got a new cat pet, but thats not till higher level and other loremasters that tried it out said it was blatantly overpowered in DPS, which has been nerfed by now Im sure.
Then you might hear something about the music system. Being a musician myself, I liked this aspect. I even mapped the notes on the lute to my keys on my keyboard the way they are on a guitar. Really nice idea. However, lag pretty much destroys most chances you have of playing a song the way you want to. Combine that with the fact that everyone just downloads midi files that play themselves when you have an instrument out, and this is an idea that was also poorly implemented.
All in all, LoTRO isnt terrible, but IMO its just a blatant WoW clone that tries to be unique but just falls short in just about every area. I would personally avoid it, but it has a trial if you want to try it out for yourself.
Don't listen to Wildflower, he showed himself to be strongly against Blizzard. Its amusing to hear people complain that WoW is not like EQ but at the same time complain that is not original. The thing is LotR plays much more like WoW than Lineage 2, or FFXI.
As for the game I enjoy the artstyle and the feel of the world much more WoW, there is just something about seeing hobbit holes lit up in the distance at night. I find the quests more diverse and better designed than those of WoW but not to the standards of a single player crpg. The instances in WoW are also more fun and the classes/abilities are better designed.
Since these games are MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER community is a big deal and WoW's community (or lack thereof) was a big problem for me. And, yes, I did play on a PvE RP server and it was still pretty terrible. It's the only game where I've ever had to turn off General Chat.
WoW, is all about loot collecting and carrot on a stick game-play. LotRO isn't. It's that simple really. One is about gaining the biggest and baddest loot by running the same handful of instanced dungeons over and over and over while the other game, LotRo line isn't. Therefore, WoW, by its very design, attracts a certain kind of player (i.e. greedy, selfish, Republicans, bullies, etc,). WoW is the perfect game for this new century.
[QUOTE="chrisrooR"]It tried, and failed, to copy WoW. -wildflower-
Yes, because WoW is just SO original.:roll:
WoW is an ePeen loot-whore game, LotRO isn't. It's as simple as that. LotRO's community is made up of adults (for the most part) and WoW's is a bunch of trashy "lowest common denominator" pedestrian types. The best thing about LotRO is that it doesn't appeal to the mouth-breathing dreck that plays WoW. If nothing else that makes it a good game.
I never ever claimed that WoW was original, so please get your facts straight when you try and call someone out. WoW took a design and nearly perfected it (the interface and combat). LotRO took the exact same interface and attempted to duplicate the gameplay.
If you want to generalize by saying that "WoW's community is a bunch of trashy pedestrian types" you better have some facts to back it up, which you don't.
Since these games are MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER community is a big deal and WoW's community (or lack thereof) was a big problem for me. And, yes, I did play on a PvE RP server and it was still pretty terrible. It's the only game where I've ever had to turn off General Chat.
WoW, is all about loot collecting and carrot on a stick game-play. LotRO isn't. It's that simple really. One is about gaining the biggest and baddest loot by running the same handful of instanced dungeons over and over and over while the other game, LotRo line isn't. Therefore, WoW, by its very design, attracts a certain kind of player (i.e. greedy, selfish, Republicans, bullies, etc,). WoW is the perfect game for this new century.
So you mean to say that there is no loot collecting and carrot on a stick gameplay in LotRO? That is really, really funny since once I got to 50 in LotRO, to everyone I knew it was all about getting your epics and your light-blues (basically purples in WoW). And wouldnt you know, to get this gear you were constantly farming instances.
Since these games are MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER community is a big deal and WoW's community (or lack thereof) was a big problem for me. And, yes, I did play on a PvE RP server and it was still pretty terrible. It's the only game where I've ever had to turn off General Chat.
WoW, is all about loot collecting and carrot on a stick game-play. LotRO isn't. It's that simple really. One is about gaining the biggest and baddest loot by running the same handful of instanced dungeons over and over and over while the other game, LotRo line isn't. Therefore, WoW, by its very design, attracts a certain kind of player (i.e. greedy, selfish, Republicans, bullies, etc,). WoW is the perfect game for this new century.
If LOTRO isn't about loot and "carrot on a stick" gameplay, than what is it about? You still have failed to address the issue of what makes LOTRO better than WoW. Yes, community is a factor, but if the game is lacking, you are pretty much paying monthly for nothing more than a glorified 3D chatroom. You can't make the accusation that WoW is unoriginal, then turn around and claim LOTRO to be a better game when pretty much everything about it is taken directly from WoW with a Lord of the Rings paint job.
I'm not quite sure what horrible encounters you had with people in WoW, but it isn't a WoW issue, it's an online gaming issue. Every game has plenty of jerks. Join a nice guild, make friends, use your ignore list. It's there for a reason.
I actually find the community in WoW to be rather mature :|. (speaking from a horde perspective)chrisrooR
I agree. I play on Destromath, a PvP server, and generally speaking, everybody is pretty nice (I'm Horde as well). Do you have morons in general chat? Sure. Mainly in the low level areas however. Get beyond that, and you really aren't subjected to that nearly as much.
lol WOW is so lame and boring and most ppl that do play it are pretty lame. like playing that came is like watching stock tickers. about 1/4 of ur screen is the gameplay and the other 3/4 is statistics bouncing around. LAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOnDeMa
Mind the troll.
lol WOW is so lame and boring and most ppl that do play it are pretty lame. like playing that came is like watching stock tickers. about 1/4 of ur screen is the gameplay and the other 3/4 is statistics bouncing around. LAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOnDeMa
Judging from your description, you've never played WoW. 1/4 of the screen is gameplay? Not even close.
To further add to the discussion, if the quality of an MMO were to be measured by it's community, then Horizons probably would have been the best MMO ever made. Sadly, the game was an utter failure in the gameplay department. Granted, the gameplay in LOTRO is a lot better than Horizons (except for crafting, Horizons was king in the crafting department), but my point is that no matter how good of a community you have, that can't be the main strength of the game. Gameplay has to come first and foremost.zomglolcats
Its just like you said earlier, there are good people and bad people and these are the people you encounter in an MMO. There is every type of personality you can imagine on an MMO. With every MMO that was ever made or ever will be made. It is true that some personality types tend to flock to certain games, but saying the whole community of a game is this way or that way is just ignorant. That is the mentality that fuels racism and prejudice.
The beautiful thing about gaming as a hobby is that you arent stuck playing the same games all of the time. You have choices. When you talk about MMOs, you have a lot of choices. Even though they all amount to the same thing, they all go about it in different ways. Finding the game you like is really all that matters. Which is why I dont understand the blatant fanboys that have to trash this and that for whatever reason. The flower guy, as an example, probably just had a bad experience with one person or one guild, and for that hes going to trash everything about the game as long as he thinks somebody will listen. Just like you said earlier. All he is really doing is just throwing out some fishing lines and hoping he gets a bite. You already know what you want, and you probably already know that arguing with him isnt going to change anything. He was wronged in WoW or Diablo or whatever and hes getting his revenge. Such is the mentality of the fanboy.Lotro has some of the most memorable group areas I have ever played in a mmorpg. The presentation of quests is top notch. The book quests are particularly fun and immersive. You really feel like you are part of a story. What the games lacks in is character development, which WoW also lacks in. Actually Lotro is slightly better because of the deeds system. You can gradually boost your characters stats by completing deeds. You can also build up your reputation with the various in-game factions. The PVP is fun. Some people dismiss it out of hand because they think monster play is a shallow system. It's really pretty good. You can still level a monster character with an alternate system called destiny points. You can also start PVPing with the highest level players pretty early in the game. So there are plenty of things to do at max level. This game has been given a bit of a bad rap lately that I don't think it deserves.
I rarely have a problem with instruments and lag. I find music to be a fun thing to do when you are waiting on all your group members to reach a location. People start dancing and playing instruments of their own.
Lotro has some of the most memorable group areas I have ever played in a mmorpg. The presentation of quests is top notch. The book quests are particularly fun and immersive. You really feel like you are part of a story. What the games lacks in is character development, which WoW also lacks in. Actually Lotro is slightly better because of the deeds system. You can gradually boost your characters stats by completing deeds. You can also build up your reputation with the various in-game factions. The PVP is fun. Some people dismiss it out of hand because they think monster play is a shallow system. It's really pretty good. You can still level a monster character with an alternate system called destiny points. You can also start PVPing with the highest level players pretty early in the game. So there are plenty of things to do at max level. This game has been given a bit of a bad rap lately that I don't think it deserves.
I rarely have a problem with instruments and lag. I find music to be a fun thing to do when you are waiting on all your group members to reach a location. People start dancing and playing instruments of their own.
All this sounds good, but a lot of it is a blatant ripoff of what was already done in WoW. For example, the deeds system. You said both games were shallow, but LotRO is slightly better because of the deeds system. What you didnt mention is that WoW has the talent system, which ensures that two members of the same class usually wont be the same unless they follow a cookie-cutter build.When you compare the deeds system to the talent system, it is really a matter of preference but I find the talent system to be more comprehensive as far as fleshing out a characters abilities, since you are very limited on the deeds you can equip compared to talents.
The book quests are good, but good luck finding anyone to do them with you since they usually involve a special instance that only people who have the quest can go to. What this means is that if you are on Book 1, chapter 6 and Im on chapter 12, I might not be able to help you since Ive already completed it and it goes into an instance that only people on chapter 6 can go to. This amounts to a lot of the book quests getting ignored because you can never find a group to go to one. But when you can do them, they are usually fun and have good rewards.
The factions, yep WoW has them too. Just another excuse to grind really.
The problem with the monster play PvP isnt that its a shallow system, its that it was really an afterthought and launched very incomplete. For example, the last time I played the monster play, the monsters didnt even have a healer. Im sure that has changed by now, since so many people were complaining about it. Thats really just an example as to monster play being incomplete. It was also a very common complaint that the monsters were so much weaker than the actual players, and that turned off a lot of PvP players. Of course, if you actually took the time to do the quests and get the destiny points, this gap would close. But even the highest ranking monster players still werent quite up to the snuff of a player character. Im sure this has changed too, but its something that turned off PvP players.
The reason this game has been given a bad rap is because it is so derivative. When I played it, a friend of mine started playing it too. He quit after two weeks, saying "Why play this when I can play WoW?" The more I thought about that, the more it made sense to me. This game cribs heavily off of WoW, but just really doesnt even come close quality-wise. The fact that it never caught on with MMO players really proves this.
LotRO never caught on? Really? So nobody plays it, huh? News to me. Most of your "arguments" lead me to believe you played the game for about 2 days and have really no idea what you are talking about. Cribs heavily from WoW? Really? If anything it borrows a lot from Turbine's other game, AC2 (which, of course, Blizzard stole shamelessly from).
The Book Quests in LoTRO aren't a problem either and there are more than enough people to run them. So, I'm not sure what you are talking about. I know it's amazing that people may actually have to group up in a Massively Multiplayer game. Yeah, the horror, right? It's much better to be an anti-social cartoon orc, no?
PvP is a moot point to me. Personally, I'm glad LotRO is primarily a PvE game. In every MMORPG I have played PvP players have been the loudest and most obnoxious group of player imaginable. I guess it has something to do with not having enough skill to play a real PvP game like, say, a FPS. It's much better ganking somebody 30 level below you in a MMORPG. Yeah, that's fun!
Finally, as much as people like to claim how much quality WoW has I've yet to hear anybody explain what exactly sets it apart from any other MMORP. Usually they fall back on tripe like, "Doodz it has 10 million people," or, "It refined the genre and made it more gooder." without ever explaining how or why.
The praise for WoW is silly.
There's no story in WoW (at least none that I could decipher in 61 levels of mindless grinding), the world design is very boring (it feels like it's on rails or an amusement park leading from one canned area to the next), the character designs are pretty bad and the classes all feel very generic, the graphics are laughable, the community is sub-par, the quests are poorly written, MOBS 20 levels below you still attack (great game design there!), and everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is one big, boring, grind.
So, what's great about that?
LotRO never caught on? Really? So nobody plays it, huh? News to me. Last time I checked, when I played LotRO about 8 months ago, LotRO had an estimated 200k active subs. This isnt a number to sneeze at, but it comes nowhere near the 8 million players WoW had at the time, and it even ran a close race with other MMOs like Everquest 2. Since that time, WoW is up to 10m players.
Most of your "arguments" lead me to believe you played the game for about 2 days and have really no idea what you are talking about. Cribs heavily from WoW? Really? If anything it borrows a lot from Turbine's other game, AC2 (which, of course, Blizzard stole shamelessly from). Yeah it does crib heavily from WoW. Anyone who has played both can tell you that.
The Book Quests in LoTRO aren't a problem either and there are more than enough people to run them. So, I'm not sure what you are talking about. I know it's amazing that people may actually have to group up in a Massively Multiplayer game. Yeah, the horror, right? It's much better to be an anti-social cartoon orc, no? The fact that you have to group is NOT an issue. Its the fact that everyone in your group has to be on the same chapter as you to go to special instances that a lot of the quests are in. This leads to a lot of people not finishing up the books.
PvP is a moot point to me. Personally, I'm glad LotRO is primarily a PvE game. In every MMORPG I have played PvP players have been the loudest and most obnoxious group of player imaginable. I guess it has something to do with not having enough skill to play a real PvP game like, say, a FPS. It's much better ganking somebody 30 level below you in a MMORPG. Yeah, that's fun! All about preference, but not everyone plays the game for the same reasons as you. Regardless of what you think, this is important.
Finally, as much as people like to claim how much quality WoW has I've yet to hear anybody explain what exactly sets it apart from any other MMORP. Usually they fall back on tripe like, "Doodz it has 10 million people," or, "It refined the genre and made it more gooder." without ever explaining how or why. I could explain but it would take up too much time and space.
The praise for WoW is silly.
There's no story in WoW (at least none that I could decipher in 61 levels of mindless grinding), Theres a lot of story if you pay attention.
the world design is very boring (it feels like it's on rails or an amusement park leading from one canned area to the next) Every MMO suffers from this problem, including LotRO.
the character designs are pretty bad and the ****s all feel very generic Again, a problem in most MMOs, including LotRO.
the graphics are laughable Matter of preference.
the community is sub-par There are good and bad people in every MMO that has players. I know Ive ran into my share of jerks when I played LotRO, a game with a supposed superior community.
the quests are poorly written LotRO has poorly written quests too. There are quite a few kill and and delivery quests.
MOBS 20 levels below you still attack (great game design there!) I honestly dont remember getting attacked by low level mobs in WoW, but I could be wrong.
and everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is one big, boring, grind. You mean like going to the ends of the earth for ****specific deeds? How about farming epics and light-blue equipment? No you mean farming factions right? Wait Im talking about LotRO. My bad. Every MMO is one big boring grind. If you hate it so much you are playing the wrong genre.
So, what's great about that?
Ahh, yes, the safe respite of the typical Blizzard fan, "I could explain but it would be too long and take too much time...blah, blah, blah..."
Again, I have explained what I thought was weak in WoW many (many!) times on these boards and yet I am still waiting for any one of the so-called 8 or 10 million (whatever the made up number is this month) WoW players to expain why it's so great or revolutionary. I have asked this question before and it has NEVER been answered. Personally, I find this odd.
Perhaps, under closer scrutiny, it becomes painfully obvious to even the most ardent Blizzard fan that the emperor indeed wears no clothes and that WoW really is no different and certainly no better than the umpteen other MMORPG's on the market. So, until somebody who has "drank the kool-aid" gives me a reason to believe otherwise, I guess I am just going to have to assume that this is the case.
So many people throw around the X Million subscribers numbers without even thinking about what that means. How many of those accounts are active? How many of them are just for holding items? How many of them are for people who 2box? How many of them are korean gold farmers? Also, keep in mind that having lots of followers doesn't make you better. America and China have some of the largest armies in the world but the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) boasts the most supreme army in the world. WoW is like tobacco to me. Once you bite you get hooked, and it doesn't let go. Billions of people smoke tobacco for various reasons, and we all know that is has ZERO benefits to our health, and is slowly killing us off, but we willingly shell out that $5 a day for a pack anyways. Kind of like the $15 a month you pay to "play" WoW. WoW isn't even a video game, its a side job. Most of WoW's success is due to the time of its release. People were just dieing for a new MMO around the time WoW came out. F'in hell, its 3:50. I havn't even played MMO's since 2005 so I'm done griping. bahbye
Please do explain what is so great about WoW. I really wanna hear this.
WoW is the MMO for dummies, its as simple as that, and that is why people play it. Its like AOL use to be, horrible service but millions used it, why? 3 words. Simple to use.
I would much prefer a game with more depth (IMO) like I dunno.... EQ2. Sure it dont have no where near the install base, but who wants to play on a server with thousands of whiney little brats anways. Give me a MMO with a smaler more mature install base.
Sorry if I'm repeating someone else... I didn't bother reading all the posts.Lotro is an alright game, The graphics are great, the quests are fun, and the people who play it are great (mostly. Every game has its jerks.) I enjoyed playing lotro for couple months. But Like some of the people had said... its a bit boring, and it doesn't really change when you hit higher level. But still I would recommend to try it out, and feel it for yourself. Everyone has their own taste :)
as for the "OMG LIEK LOTRO IZ TEH COPY OF WOW" stuff around.Sure lotro has some game mechanics that are similar to wow, but what game doesn't? I mean what would you call a massive multiplayer online game, that doesn't have one of these : Quests, grouping up, mailing system, auction house, loot, instances, or toolbars? You cant really call it a game, now can you? And that's ABOUT the only things that are similar together with lotro and wow (and other MMO's). So instead of whining about it, think about it..
whee I'm gonna go hide now ^^;
Edit: typo ^^
Lotro is not for everyone, but it is a great game for the right gamer. It is very light hearted, and presents a lot of silly activities that have nothing to do with hitting max level. The game focuses on the journey and not the destination. The chicken quests are another example of this. You get to play as a chicken and go various places, talk to various animals, and the trick is to avoid getting killed. Even the solo quests are much more memorable on average than WoW's quests. Usually, questing is seen as a chore to gain xp and levels. There are moments when I forget all about xp when I'm doing Lotro quests. It's all in the presentation and storytelling.
WoW and Lotro are built for different kinds of gamers. If you are going on and on about how inferior Lotro is compared to WoW, you just are not appreciating its merits.
Please do explain what is so great about WoW. I really wanna hear this.
WoW is the MMO for dummies, its as simple as that, and that is why people play it. Its like AOL use to be, horrible service but millions used it, why? 3 words. Simple to use.
I would much prefer a game with more depth (IMO) like I dunno.... EQ2. Sure it dont have no where near the install base, but who wants to play on a server with thousands of whiney little brats anways. Give me a MMO with a smaler more mature install base.
you spelled dummies wrong, ha!
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]LOTRO is different from WoW. WoW is more action based, and LOTRO is more imersion based, so you can wonder the landscape, talk to people etc.Gammit10
^ This
LOTRO is perfect for explorers, immersion-whores, and Tolkien fanboys. I am, admittedly, all three.
"it ripped off WoW" ... oh, the irony. :lol:
I approve of this post.IMO, LOTRO >>>>> WoW
I gave up on WOW when i realized how much of a waste of time it was, but recently i tried LOTRO hoping it would draw me in more with the story and exploring... but it did not, and my biggest pet peeve is that (maybe this is the only thing that makes WOW better) play wow then play LOTRO, lotro feels like your hitting things with air or waving a noodle, the combat is not satisfying at all, its so loose or something, nor does it look good. The only thing i like about it is the dwarves character models... eveyrone else is ugly, and this is coming from a LOTR fan.... but i have had better times reading the books and imagining and reading the extra lore.... but i can't get through this game without drooling to death to get to the lore lol.... In reality they need to make a game with no end game, no level system..... the combat is actually more involved, like maybe a first person view but with an axe / sword / magic speell like oblivion but with out the generic slash. I would want slash / stab / block / duck and what not. And instead of leveling you would gain more skills allowing you to diverse more and what not... then still having the items and what not to where and get buffs.... but not like WOW where gear and level = win... If anyone has played eve online they would know i love that three new toons or even one could beat a old well trained toon. This is the hybrid messed up game i imagine one where the only thing you gain by playing more would be expierince and minimum gear buffs, and cooler abilities... but i would want new toons to be able to battle old ones like eve or think of the call of duty franchise perhaps? the older characters get better gones and perks? but i can start a new account and still pawn the **** out of them with my noob guns.... obviously i would not want this to be so simple.... but it's food for thought....
The only way i see any of this happeing would be virtual reality, the matrix, or the wii on steroids with like a whole body suit or something.... but the infared senser crap... but real motion sensing like the new what ever they came out with.... then we will be talking..... swinging you arm to throw your fireball or swing your weapon. Until then I have giving up on MMORPGS. because all that can be accomplished is reach end game and wait for them to make all of that useless then make a "new" end game.... its terrible. For now i will be practising my conceptual art skills (maybe i can help desgin a real game in the far future), working on my motorcycle, getting my emt / paramedic **** done, and painting transformers.... but just imagaine if if this makes any sense to you and how coll this could be.
I love the game and I enjoy it more than I ever did WoW. I played Warcraft for 5 years and quit and gave the F2P a chance for LOTRO and have never been happier with an mmo. If you want PVP there really isn't anything though as they have monster play but it won't get your pvp fix in. I love the character customizations you can do. Costumes, Traits, Legendary Skills, Legendary Weapons that you can pick and choose which bonuses you want to go on it. Overall I am, as I said, very happy with the game and don't find it boring at all.
*just realized this is a necro thread :o
Yeah i'm sure it has more to offer than im allowing it to... but still even if it is better than WOW... it is only dismally better than wow and neither is any good at all to me anymore... really no games are anyfun to me anymore..... though if either game had sweet cut scenes during EVERY quest that would help alot.... though that would be pretty hard to do lol...... but i get scik of reading sub par writings.... when it's a game based on awesome novels lol..... And i don't mean pvp nesscarily but i just mean i want it to be more about team work, skill, Strategy (not just your spell rotation... lame), and FUN of course lol!!!! Or how about WOW or LOTRO hooked up to a virtual reality world where you actually have to run around.... then atheltic people (basically real warriors) would benfit more... and perhaps eliminate the stereotype of "fat gamers" who live in their mummy's basement lol. It would be awesome to make a game that aloowed your speed, reflexes and what not to be the same in game..... but i don't see this happening anytime soon.... Again i dont really care which of these game is better.... both are members of a teribbly worn out / boring experience if you wanna actually get anything out of life at all... other than sit at a computer and grind until the game dissapears and it was all for nothing... for now i'm hooked on starcraft 2 only because pvp always overs a unique experience..... but rts's to me to also are getting boring.... we need revoltuion soon lol....
[QUOTE="-wildflower-"][QUOTE="chrisrooR"]It tried, and failed, to copy WoW. chrisrooR
Yes, because WoW is just SO original.:roll:
WoW is an ePeen loot-whore game, LotRO isn't. It's as simple as that. LotRO's community is made up of adults (for the most part) and WoW's is a bunch of trashy "lowest common denominator" pedestrian types. The best thing about LotRO is that it doesn't appeal to the mouth-breathing dreck that plays WoW. If nothing else that makes it a good game.
I never ever claimed that WoW was original, so please get your facts straight when you try and call someone out. WoW took a design and nearly perfected it (the interface and combat). LotRO took the exact same interface and attempted to duplicate the gameplay.
If you want to generalize by saying that "WoW's community is a bunch of trashy pedestrian types" you better have some facts to back it up, which you don't.
You seriously gonna try and defend the Blizzard fanbase? I played WoW for 4 years, was the first grand marshal on my server and hardcore raided every week. I can tell you what he said about those people is true. There are some very nice guys on WoW. But when it comes to Blizzard fanboys, there is nothing worse on the internet.It IS more boring than WoW...but for free you really cant complain.
Graphics are great...the mounts are too slow IMO, the auction house is eh...and the thing that bothers me most is the quest tracker is the worst ive ever used in a game. WoW's blows it out of the water...
Still a good game, I love the housing in it.
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