Ive been on and off tese boards quite alot with some system specs and what im gonna put in my new PC.
I today plugged my old PC with a AGP ATI 1600into my HDTV, to see if its worth it
A few tweaks and its looking good to be honest. But anyway
I realise That because im using this HDTV my resolutions will be limited, SO buying a ATI 4870 would be a waste of money.
So can anyone please recommend a Good Low res graphics card? I was looking around the 260 AND 4850 area
Also...isit worth going 64bit vista, I want to be as future proof as possable ( NOT i7)
Here are my proposed Specs(minus a graphics card)
CPU: Quad Core Q9550
PSU: FBS 600w
CPU Cooler: Silent Knight II
Ram: 2 x 2GB 800Mhz DDR2
Motherboard: Asus P5Q Deluxe
O.S: Vista Home premium 64bit
HDD: 320GB 700rpm
Thanks for reading
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