This link will direct you to the thread I made in PC hardware forum.. Basically my Main computer is paralyzed with I have yet to determine..
To put it in a nut shell, my computer screen is garbled.. In bios/dos boot up area where its running the diagnostics and booting up.. THe screen has uniform white dots across it... When it gets to the windows loading screen, this turns into groups of blue verticle lines running down the screen vertically. Then after that it becomes a garbled mess for a instant and the monitor turns off.. I was sweating that it was my video card that broke.. Buuuuttttt if it were my video card I would see these destoritions on eveyrthing.. I do not in safe mode, and by windows booted up from CD..
I have uninstalled and installed new drivers.. THough they will not initiate in Safe mode, and I can not reach odviouslly get into regular windows.. I wa sthinking MAYBE it was a refresh rate issue.. This all happened after very commonly I joine da counterstrike source server on steam.. It was vac protected and I played on that server dozens of times.. What happened is it was on the immediate load screen right to the end, then the screen went black and turned off.. AFter that I was forced to reboot, and basically all of a sudden the garbled effect or possibly artifacts, though it seems to be too uniform to be clear artifacts...
No my video card wasn't over heating.. Not only is its fan functional and high quality, but it has a 2 fan blower right under it. At this time this computer is a 3000+ A64 KV8 Pro (abit motherboard) computer, with 2gb of ram, and BFG 6800 GT AGP.
I am running the latest version of Windows XP SP 2 at this time.
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