Drivers are FREE from the card manufacturer. make sure you get the EXACT make/model/revision number of your card (either through display properties, device manager or just by taking the card out of the machine and looking at the labels BUT DO THIS LAST ONE WHILE MACHINE IS OFF AND UNPLUGGED!)
what ever graphics card you have (who it is made by) go to their website and choose the appropriat drivers for your card specifically, then download them to a place you can easily find on your computer.
Then restart in safe mode (when booting choose "F8" and select "safe mode"
open your control panel -> choose add/remove programs -> select your graphics card software (it will be listed here) -> change/modify/unsinstall (whichever it shows you as a choice)
When unistalling if it asks do you wish to remove the drivers as well, click yes.
restart your computer again in safe mode.
cancel ALL found new hardware wizards.
open the driver file you downloaded and install.
Restart your computer normally.
adjust screen settings.
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