It seems like its been forever since a new PC FPS was released that ive been really excited about. HL2 EP2, UT3, Crisis, Quake Wars, etc. just seem to be taking forever. Stalker was fun and somewhat underrated but it wasnt like a thrilling fun game, it took too long to get going, and it was like reading a long book with less action than say a tom clancy book. Though stalker gets good at the end, heard the multiplayer wasnt too special. FEAR sorta one of the last big FPS was good too but I mean it didnt have alot of replay value. The expansion I dont like too much. Company of Heroes is amazing but I suck at multiplay, (my fault) the game is great tho. My pc cant handle Supreme Commander and Medeival Total War2, tho i loved their demos, but dont think id get into either long enough to get good at it. I see myself playing Call of Duty 2 online and COH offline, and SupCom demo, as my only gaming lately. Didnt play Quake 4, or Prey tho i did play Prey on 360 and it was boring, so easy to kill things, it seemed to me like a dumbed down Doom 3.
NOT a complaint thread but man now that its summer and i have time to play, it stinks games arent out yet. I mean if my PC can handle UT3 then that would tide me over for months. Though UT2004 wasnt as captivating as the original. UT1 was simply a work of art. Man I just wish we could get a decent FPS soon. Ya know?
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