SometimesI hear ppl talk about cheat codes related to this game but I cna't work out how to use them bc there doesn't seem to be a console with it. Idk.
Anyways.... I wanted to import an ultimate ME1 profile... by that I mean one with all the choices I'd make if I were really Shepard PLUS I used those two morality cheats to get max Paragon and Renegade. (Click the space monkey repeatedly on Elantia for Paragon points and talk to the SI boss on Noveria repeatedly for renegade). This meant I had full morality bars at the end of ME1 and I also made doubly sure by fully upgrading my Charm and Intimidate skills with the points I earned.
When I got to Me2 import... thegame ruddy well decided FOR me! UNGH! I'm a flipping Paragon. I DO NOT WANT TO LICK ALIEN BUTHOLE.
Please can someone tell me if i can open a save file and change some entry from 1 to 0 or true to false or something to make the game not see me as bloody paragon.
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