Please would someone tell him how lazy a port ME2 was?
- It looks absolutely the same as the 360 version. Nothing is different, absolutely nothing. Little graphic options too. No better textures, no better lightning, AA, FOV....
- Menu navigation is torture. You can't double click on things. You have to hover over with your mouse and then press space to navigate the menus. The scrolling key doesn't work either. They made menu navigation about 90% more lengthwise because of this.
- You use one button for three things! Seriosly, there are hundreds of unused buttons on my ***** keyboard. Using one button for three things is a real cluster*****.
- No shortcuts for weapons. Mass Effect 1 used the F keys to change between weapons. ME2 doesn't do this.
- No shortcuts for jounal, codex, map, ect... You don't use the J or C key for anything...
This is only from memory from what I've played when it came out. God only knows what else is wrong with the game. And this is not a port? The game reeks of console porting from the moment you start it up. You just lost all credibility.
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