The "Mass Effect" universe/mythology is predicated on mankind discovering an endlessly cheap supply of energy -- the mass effect -- earning us a galactic seat at the spacefaring table. Mass effect powers the deep-space travel AND the weapons which makes refueling and (up until Mass Effect 2) reloading, obsolete. So why this:
Shells poppin out all over the place like a Call of Duty ad. That doesn't make sense. I mean, IMO I don't know that naming the entire series after a super cool mythology only to go and cannibalize the world/idea that you so cleverly invented will be good in the long run for future merchandising.
I've seen the "reload" topic addressed in years past and I understand why some would see shell casings and reloading as a minor tweak. When I first read someone pointing this out, I was having too much fun after having finally stumbed on ME2 to care. I thoroughly enjoyed running for cover. Reloading my short-range weapon. Reloading my long-range weapon. It kept me busy and added urgency.
After taking a step back though, playing the first Mass Effect, reading more of the codex, learning why the game is called Mass Effect and all that and going, "oh, that's why all the guns look like cheap plastic toys and that's why the aliens all speak English! Cool!" I think Bioware is doing a disservice and ultimately undermining a really great intellectual property in favor of making the combat more familiar. While the combat is great. Really, really great, I think they should've stuck with the over-heating weapons of Mass Effect 1 than the emptying weapons of Mass Effect 2 and 3. Why?
Because I'm probably gonna play just about any Mass Effect related game that ever hits the PC eventually. Will I go see a Mass Effect movie? Or read a Mass Effect book? Or buy more of the comic books? Or buy my grandkids N7 toy-weapons? Or buy Mass Effect space-porn for myself? Probably not, because the coolest thing about the Mass Effect universe is the idea of an endless supply of energy transforming not just our planet and existence but the entire universe's. Or at least it would've been the coolest idea, until Bioware decided that Call of Duty was cooler.
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