Maybe it is just me, but I am sick of all these vanilla, run-of-the-mill, repeated fantasy themes for MMO's. I think it is time for a new MMO. A lot of designers are reusing old games and turning them into MMO's, so lets take one of the best series of all time and make it into one. I am talking about Mechwarriors. No, not the mechassault game for the Xbox, but the real deal. The old style mech fighting goodness. Rather than looking to outfit your armor or weapons for your fighter/druid hybrid, you would instead be gathering up resources for those clan LRM20's for your Mad Cat (Timberwolf, for the old vets of the game).
As for races, it would be easy. Your character would belong to one of the families or groups of the Inner sphere or one of the clans. You could even choose to belong to one of the mercenary guilds. Add to it, this would provide so much backstory. There is a lot of literature already written about the series. As for combat, you could have PvP between Innersphere and clanners, but also between the individual factions. There could be full fledged wars that exist on the servers as planets are fought over by the different groups.
The combat should probably stay the same so in that way it would be more like an fps, with enough firepower to level a city block, but an fps none the less. With that, you could form groups to have as your lancemates. With online headphone links, you could actually formulate real strategies about how to handle each mission.
It still would need to be fleshed out a lot more and obviously some very daring company would have to pick it up because it would be quite the undertaking, but I think it could be a really good series and would help break up the monotony of the same old fantasy MMOrpgs. So, what do you think?
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