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Installation :
- Crysis installed and patched to 1.21.
- Upon downloading the mod you should have an archived directory.
- This directory should be extracted to your Crysis install Directory which usually looks like " C: > Program Files > Electronic Arts > Crytek > Crysis "
Replacing Action-Maps
In order to get yourself up to date with the latest key commands to access all the functionality you want, you will have to grab them from the latest XML file provided in the MWLL BETA v.1.0 archive entitled.
1. Beta Testers - after installation, copy the file " example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml " ( EVEN IF YOU DONT USE JOYSTICK )
2. Paste this file to your Crysis profile found in - My DocumentsMy GamesCrysisProfiles
3. You will have to paste to both profiles ( if you have another one besides the default Crysis )
Ensure you do this in both the default and YOUR PROFILE directory
My DocumentsMy GamesCrysisProfilesdefaultactionmaps.xml
My DocumentsMy GamesCrysisProfilesCriminalactionmaps.xml
4. Finally delete your old " actionmaps.xml " and rename the copied " example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml " to " actionmaps.xml "
Launching The Game
You may launch the game using the MWLL Laucher.
MWLL Launcher.exe is contained in CrysisModsmwll folder
Alternatively you can add a –mod mwll in the target of a shortcut to the crysis executables. It will look like this " "C: > Program Files > Electronic Arts > Crytek > Crysis > Bin64Crysis.exe" -mod mwll "
Source :MWLL Official Site
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