This is unbelievable. The number 1 and number 2 players on the PC Leaderboards for Medal of Honor are hackers--and proud of it--they use the AA clan tag--Artificial Aiming is the hack--IN YOUR FACE EA-- and EA does nothing to remove them or other players using it, like Robogear.
Player ScoreScore SkillSkill KillsKills TimeTime
1 PowerRager 2240030 11704 69045 120:13:51
2 badkiller100 2234080 8847 44602 88:27:23
"This hack is just as powerful as the BFBC2 hack with a deadly accurate Aimbot with trajectory aiming, 3D radar, 2D radar, Warning system, NoSpread, NoShake, NoRecoil, ... and last but not least a Teleportation hack!"
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