Microsoft Replies to My Games for Windows Critisms

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#1 Subcritical
Member since 2004 • 2286 Posts

Below is my original questions, observations and criticism sent via email to Windows for Games support team:

I hope the Games for Windows actually delivers more games to the PC
platform.  In the past 5 years, Microsoft has been only focusing on
diverting games from the PC, and paying developers to release these games
primarily to the Xbox.

A second concern is the fact that as a PC gamer, I'd like to be able to
continue to have choice with my games.  One of the benefits of
'traditional' PC gaming is the fact that people can map keys, set resolutions,
etc.  Some gamers don't like this.  Thats ok.  They should get an Xbox. 
But other gamers like to have options and use the mouse and keyboard. 
God, I hope you guys don't make all games to require a gamepad.

To restate my first and primary concern, please stop diverting games
away from the PC.  Make them available for both the Xbox and PC. If
people feel the PC is a hassle, get an Xbox.  Other should be allowed to
enjoy the choices associated with PC gaming on Windows.

Here is the beauty of it all for Microsoft: Microsoft will have two
great entertainment choices available to the public, the Xbox and the PC.


Thank you

And they sent me a recent response:

Thanks for your feedback to Games for Windows.  Games for Windows is
actually delivering more and more titles, look for many more coming
within the next couples months actually to show up on the GFW website. 
Don't be concerned as a PC gamer about Xbox, in fact PC gaming on windows
has over 200 million users (compare that to Xbox's 10 million) and I
think we'll be fine :).

Games for Windows in fact is a major investment for Microsoft to help
everyone continue to give the love to PC gaming.  One thing we are doing
in addition to the website is help give the love to 'Games for Windows'
at retail stores.  Right now you currently have to go to the
Productivity and Tax software section most of the time to pick up your PC games
right?  We'll we are working with retailers to create a Games for
Windows game section right where you find Xbox, Playstation games!  It's a
equal player for sure now.

Another thing you'll see is our investment in bringing 'LIVE' to Games
for Windows which should make online play much better!

I encourage you to sign up for the Games for Windows email newsletter,
this will keep you plugged in to what we're doing to keep Games for
Windows THE platform to play games on.

Josh at Games for Windows

This sounds like goodness to me.  I hope that MS delivers upon their promise to bolster PC gaming.  Now I will shut up about my criticisms unless, of course, Microsoft fails to deliver upon this promise.

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#2 BloodMist
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I dunno....knowing MS, they're trying to hype their money sucking Xbox 360 as much as possible.....that's why they force devs to release games to the PC 1 or 2 years after they're on Xbox.It's the only reson why they do that.Thankfully, i have plenty of other games to play before that.
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#3 Warsport99
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Another thing you'll see is our investment in bringing 'LIVE' to Games
for Windows which should make online play much better! M$

"Their Investment"
why the hell would any pc gamer want to subscribe to an online gaming service.  As if online pc gaming isn't simple enough.  Just another way for them to steal our money.

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#4 dmb34
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I have yet to see "games for windows" take effect. I was at my local gamestop and all they have is a small stand with about 30 games with a sign  saying games for windows. I know alot of people say that pc games are going online for download but how is this going to help someone who is not a hardcore pc gamer that justs wants to browse a gaming store and pick something up? I know I have made a few purchases of games that I didnt know even existed just because I was able to read the back of the box off the shelf.
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#5 Valkyrie_44
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I have yet to see "games for windows" take effect. I was at my local gamestop and all they have is a small stand with about 30 games with a sign  saying games for windows. I know alot of people say that pc games are going online for download but how is this going to help someone who is not a hardcore pc gamer that justs wants to browse a gaming store and pick something up? I know I have made a few purchases of games that I didnt know even existed just because I was able to read the back of the box off the shelf.dmb34
One of the local store in our area actually has a nice booth set up, with a PC set up with Vista but, the only issue that I have is the staff their at the time really did not know too much about the PC platform themselves.
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#6 inyourface_12
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Another thing you'll see is our investment in bringing 'LIVE' to Games
for Windows which should make online play much better! Warsport99

"Their Investment"
why the hell would any pc gamer want to subscribe to an online gaming service.  As if online pc gaming isn't simple enough.  Just another way for them to steal our money.

thats exactly what i was thinking.

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#7 Colonel_Cool
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I think what MS is doing is great for pc gaming. Live was a great online service for xbox, and since all upcoming pc games will be Games for Windows, they will all support Live, which will make online play much more unified. 
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#8 zaman48
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Another thing you'll see is our investment in bringing 'LIVE' to Games
for Windows which should make online play much better! inyourface_12

"Their Investment"
why the hell would any pc gamer want to subscribe to an online gaming service. As if online pc gaming isn't simple enough. Just another way for them to steal our money.

thats exactly what i was thinking.

i wouldnt mind paying for an online gaming service for about the same amount as Xbox Live ($50 a year) if it was really good. if it included things like the Xbox Live Marketplace and new features to PC gaming i'd definantley get it. however, this should not be required to buy to play games online like it is for the xbox, that would just be terrible... (and im no 360 fanboy, and if this "Live" thing included the ability to play against 360 players i'd buy it right away and would be very happy with pwning 360 players all day long :))