Info on what the game is about,etc..
Trailer For MineZ
Id forgotten that Minecraft can be terrifying. It wasnt until I was leading a conga line of zombies through a dark forest, hunger stinging me, dehydration stabbing away, that I remembered the fear it can instil. I say remembered, like I rationalised it. Ah, yes. This feels familiar. Really, I was screaming and swearing and panicking and clenching. MineZ sharpens Minecrafts fangs in the same way that DayZ turned Arma II feral.
Youll note the similar naming convention: this is DayZ in Minecraft. A server-side mod that puts you and other players into a world without rules. Survival like it used to be, back when you couldnt easily sidestep a zombie because you didnt know what the hell you were doing. This time its because zombies are meaner, stronger, faster and can see you from a long way away. There are no other NPC creeps to mess with, just the undead. And humans.
It starts on the south coast. You spawn with only a bandage, sword, water bottle, and an eye (that sends chats out to the world Ill explain later) in your inventory. Youll need to eat, drink, and not die. Like DayZ, how do it is completely up to you. Life is hard, made harder still by heading north where the cool things are. Loot is semi-rare, and you can always rely on people to be **** right from the second youre born. Ive died seconds after spawning on a few occasions, Ive watched people chasing others and did my best to get out of sight. It can be wholly unpleasant, which is the entire point.
*Click on the link for the whole article*
Any Minecraft fans try this yet?
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