Hello guys, I've been playing on a private server for 3 years, but since world of warcraft got free, I installed the level-20 trial and played it, and loved it.. more than private servers. The thing is, that buying an account now is a little expensive, and I am going to start on level one and it takes weeks to get maximum level (because of my game-time being so reduced). Another thing is that world of warcraft is losing millions of players (from 12 millions it dropped to 10), and the last thing is that the game is almost at the end. Mists of Pandaria is coming next year probably, and cata isn't even a year old. Mists of Pandaria will let players reach lvl 90, I think Blizzard will stop at lvl 100 or lvl 99 like diablo. Should I spend about 100 euros on a world of warcraft account, besides all this problems?
I know lots of you guys will tell me:
A) wait for star wars: the old republic and buy that instead
B) wait for guildwars 2 and buy that instead
C) wow sucks omggggg, you're such a nerd
The thing is that I'm not really into Sci-fi things like lightsabers and spaceships, and guildwars 2 looks cool i'm not going to lie, but it has something that world of warcraft doesn't. I mean the variety in world of warcraft is imense..
zones: volcanoes, deserts, forests, jungles, prairies, snow forests, mountains, etc.
weapons: guns, polearms, swords, axes, maces, wands, staves, bows, daggers, etc.
monsters: dragons, undead, demons, animals, dinosaurs, titans, elementals, etc.
races: goblin, worgen, human, orc, dwarf, night elf, blood elf, gnome, tauren, etc.
****s: mage, rogue, death knight, warrior, priest, druid, hunter, warlock, shaman, etc.
mounts: raptor, elekk, horse, ram, wolf, nightsaber, phoenix, scorpion, kodo, hawkstrider, etc.
You see? the variety is huge in pretty much everything and maybe that is why I like it so much, because it barely gets repetitive. I've seen guildwars 2, and you have like 10 pets to choose from, in world of warcraft you have about 100. I'm not saying world of warcraft is perfect, because it isn't (seen from the kung-fu pandas lately) but world of warcraft is pretty great and addicting.
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