[QUOTE="04dcarraher"] Intel is not 3 gen's ahead... AMD's bulldozer kick's Intel's but in highly threaded app's, and its not AMD's fault that they were behind since C2D, the problem was that Intel bought all patents on new tech and AMD couldnt use any of it, so they had to modify what they had and go with that. Intel was trying to run AMD into the ground and because of that Intel got sued and fined by multiple business ethnic agencies. 04dcarraher
bro you cant keep saying that every single time. Yes they had it a bit rough, but how is it so hard to innovate? AMD is a huge company. Also AMD is 3 gens behind in architecture. It doesn't matter if their cpu has 8 cores, if each core is roughly as powerful as intels old core 2 processors which for intel is 3 gens ago. I am just hoping ARM can give intel some competition when they come out, otherwise we the consumers are pretty much screwed.
You cant be serious, How can you innovate on something when all current tech designs are held by intel with patents that they bought and or designed. Its not different from them buying the patents for onboard cpu DDR3 controllers and guess what AMD cant use anything close to it or its a patent infringement and can be sued. AMD again is not three generation's behind ... the phenom 2 architecture is faster then C2Q and the 2nd gen icore's are just a revision of the 1st icore's And AMD's bulldozer with modern multicore and highly threaded app's and games show Intel's 2nd gen icore's to be a generation behind. Just because you think intel is actually faster based on older one threaded multicore supported apps and games is not a real way to gauge actual performance. 8 Cores with 8 threads will beat out 4 cores with 8 , each 2nd thread per core on intel cpu's is just leftovers for free cpu clock cycles. IfAMD was truly three generations behind then with BF3 the Phenom 2's wouldntkeep up with i7 2600k but guess what it does. AMD innovated with the Althon 64's , the X2's and with Phenom 2's with what they had to work with. Also Bulldozer has innovation in its design looking ahead. Where are you getting your information? AMD and Intel have a cross licensing agreement where they are pretty much free to use each other's patents. Take a look at this:http://contracts.corporate.findlaw.com/operations/ip/802.html
Also, any review you look up will show that Intel's i5 quad core beat AMD's octo-core in most applications. Cherry picking specific benchmarks doesn't mean that AMD isn't severely behind in the CPU department.
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