Hey guys-
I'm getting an E6600 soon and I wanted to know which motherboard would be good to get for it. I don't overclock, so that is not very important, and I don't plan on running any cards in SLI. I want to spend around $100 to $140 for the board, so this is what I chose:
I read good reviews about it, but, according to the website, it is not compatible with my ram (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220144). So, my question is: is the list on the site complete, and my ram will be compatible? Or should I find another motherboard (and if so, which one would be a good one)? Since I already have the ram from my previous computer, I would not want to buy new ram that is compatible with the GIGABYTE board. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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