what are the "must play old-pc games" in your opinion (all genre)
i mean stuff like.. deus ex, torment, arcanum, zak mckraken, arx fatalis.. etc..
thx u! :)
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Deus Ex
Fallout series
System Shock series
Thief series
Of all of those, Half-Life is the only one I can really play through all the way today, with the possible exception of the Fallout games. Games from the 90's have not aged well, with some very cringe worthy design and dated graphics.
Half-Life still doesn't look too bad, plays ok but some of the platforming is a pain.
If first Halo is considered old then that one.WaterSphere
It came out in 2001 so its pretty old, but I think people tie that more to Xbox then PC, since it just got ported later.
- Divine Divinity
- Gothic 2
- Arx Fatalis
- Fallout 1,2
- Icewind dale series
- KOTOR 1 and 2 (I liked 2 more)
- Neverwinter Nights 1
- Ultima series
- Wizardry series
- Warcraft2
- Vampire Masquerade
- Planscape Torment
- Morrowind
- Thief series
- Max Payne 1/2
- Diablo2 + expansion
At what age does a game become 'old'? Anyways, here are some games from 2004 back: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Nox, System Shock 2, Neverwinter Nights, Fallout, Fallout 2, Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld 2, Might and Magic: World of Xeen, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2, Half-Life 1, Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Divine Divinity, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, Gothic, Freespace 2, Longest Journey, Sanitarium, Sacrifice, Beneath a Steel Sky (free on GOG), and Rune off the top of my head. If you want more I can actually go digging through my older games and probably triple that list for you.
Might and Magic VI
Might and Magic VII
Gothic 2: Gold
Broken Sword Series
Monkey Island Series
<3 and:
Gabriel Knight trilogy
The Last Express
Blade Runner
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Any 90s adventure game will do
You can also try Fahrenheit (Project Indigo)
I recommend you get them from GoG.com, every single old game there has ben tweaked to work fine on modern PCs.
Might and Magic VI (add some of the patches from here for mouse look and a ton of improvements)
Deus Ex (check my blog)
System Shock 2 (choose your improvement here)
Gothic 2: Gold
Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold and Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete
Temple of Elemental Evil (add the Circle of Eight mod)
Icewind Dale (with the tweak pack)
Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (restoration project for both here)
Max Payne 1 and 2
Hitman 2: Silent Assasin
Prince of Persia trilogy
Duke Nukem 3D (with the High Resolution Pack for Polymer v5.1)
Doom I & II (with the Skulltag source port, there's even people online here)
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Keeper 2
Divine Divinity
The Longest Journey
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic
Stronghold: Crusader
Unreal Tournament '99 GOTY (800 - 1000 servers, 900-2800 people online 24/7)
Seven Kingdoms 2 (my personal favorite RTS of all times, great diplomacy and deep kingdom management)
Disciples 2: Gold
Serious Sam: The First Encounter and The Second Encounter
Arx Fatalis (with Arx Libertatis source port, massive improvement, bug fixes, etc., must have)
Ultima 7: The Complete Edition (be sure to get Exult which adds a ton of ehancements, including better graphics)
Sanitarium (the best psychological/horror game ever created)
Wizardry 8
Age of Mythology
.. and more i'm forgetting.
Descent II
Descent 3
GTA: Director's Cut
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2
Road Rash
Shogun: Total War
Total Annihilation
X-Com: UFO Defense
Unreal with the HD textures. I still don't think any game's beaten Unreal's sheer sense of scale (drops larger than the Empire State), its great soundtrack (no damn game these days has a memorable soundtrack that packs a punch), distinct medieval/sci-fi/dream-like environments and long completion time.
GTA III and Vice City I consider very old, though they're not quite as old as the other titles. People tie them more into their memories with consoles (since the series helped define the PS2), but they are damned amazing games, San Andreas is too but its stretching the meaning of "old" since its from 2004. They revolutionized gaming quite a bit.
Metal Gear Solid also got ported ok to PC I hear, 2 was a crappy port though from what I hear and 3 never even came out on PC, but that first MGS game is amazing, same with Resident Evil, though they might have compatibility issues so if I were to go through them I'd probably do it on my PSone or PS3. They are on PC though so hey, they count.
These are old low spec with acceptable non 3D PC games (windowed or high res fix if available)
TBS/Wargames/Turn base Tactical
1. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 + expansions or the Complete edition (I think the best in the series) there is a great mod available too
2. Disciples 2 +expansions (nice painting like graphics)
3. Age of Wonders 1 - 2
4. Civilization 3 + expansions (with great mods) with rhyes mod
5. Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 mod (GET THE MOD)
6. Alpha Centauri - graphics is an issue but gameplay is deep and complex
7. War in the Pacific Admiral Edition - steep learning curve, a very thorough, deep and realistic simulation ofl World War 2 Pacific Theater
8. Master of Orion 2 - a 4X games set in space
1. Tropico - great sim city like game
2. The Sims - i bet everyone knows this its not that good really, but anyway
3. Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum - great railway management game deep and intelligent
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - great theme park management game deep and intelligent as well
1. Starcraft + expansion - no need any description
2. C&C Tiberian Suns +expansion - typical RTS of C&C franchise
3 C&C Red Alert 2 +expansion- typical RTS of Red Alert Series
4. Age of Empires 2 - nice rts
5. American Conquest Divided Nation - Think of Total War in 2D set in American Civil War with great mods too
6. Battle Realms +expansion - nice Asian style RTS
RPG/Action RPG
1. Baldurs Gate 1 +Tale of the Sword Coast - Nice classic D&D rpg
2. Baldurs Gate 2 + Throne of Bhaal - Awesome party based high fantasy RPG, great classic
3. Fallout 1 - 2 + mod - the best man against world RPG almost total freedom (note Fallout 3 is Oblivion set in post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, the first in the series plays very differently)
4. Icewind Dale 1 - 2 +Expansions - Baldurs Gate with more action
5. Planescape Torment - Baldur's Gate (infinity engine i mean) with awesome story, actually a league on its own
6. Diablo 2 +expansion - yes its mindless hack and slash but its a classic none the less
7. Arcanum - a steampunk RPG nice game
1. Broken Sword
2. Grim Fandango
3. Sanitarium
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