i am using the 9800 gtx and i want to know if its worth to give money for 260 or 280 or the 290 and 270 for to play the latest pc games;;;
is it worth will i see something different in the pc games ;; or to keep my 9800 and to update in summer;;;;
for the newest cards;;;
the pc games do it need really the 280 and 260 cards for to play;;; with my 9800 gtx will i be happy to play the pc games until summer;;
in revoltuions 1920 @ 1080;;;
what the forums says about the performance between 9800gtx and 280 and 260;; is there a big disstance between these 3 cards;;;
so to keep my 9800 gtx for 5 months more;;;
will i see very big performance in 280 and 260;;; or not
if someone has the 9800 gtx does he need to update in 280 and 260;;;
for to play the pc games;;;
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