It's really so simple. Is this a sign of the future to come???
Yet, by using my fox-like business cunning, to sniff out microsoft, it has a big flaw.
People pay upwards of 40 bucks, for new gaming mice, keyboards & peripherals.
More and more of these people, are getting mega large, HdTV's of 40 inches plus and hooking them up to their PC's (maybe alongside a certain console).
Interconnection is the key.
Release multi-format console games on the PC. Make it a big deal. Promote the scheme. Stop other consoles using custom ports, for controllers, and switch to USB. Do you see where i'm headed?
Get ALL the big console gaming companies... Sony, Nintendo, Sega (hooray lol). Get those console only exclusives onto PC. Why? They'll sell more gamesss, you, know they would.
Buy that new controller and plug it in.
Who, wouldn't, follow the trend and jump in to make money? 3rd party producers/publishers don't care eh? *drool*
Not only, does the new world PC gamer get all the goodness, of "the options menu". What? how else can i play FPS games, duh? But you get the goodness of adventure, JRPG, action-adventure, beatem' ups and non fps-shooters, utilising your new controller, the way it was meant to be, ooooooh. *squuaarree*
In the "New World", the PC has Tekken 5, free online. Soul calibur 4 , God of War 3, Shamus, Zelda, Mario, Sonic! (hooray lol).
But wait! How many titles does microsoft have there nose in?
You might not have noticed, but the console is reverse engineering the PC, all Business-like.
The consoles turn into PC's (look under the hood), they get online at a extra cost, you can multiplay and download and whoa! they play dvd's, movies and mp3's??? Plus use other programs such as word processors, apps and utils. And we all remember the dreamcast keyboard fiasco.
But the consoles get all the "good games". :( You know the ones you have to own a console for? Sony is making a mmo-world out of their console. The wii is online and kicking. Why, all know about Live! of course?
THE WORLD is turning into where CONSOLES are the next PC!!!! DELL , Alienware, Hotech etc....
You will be buying your new SONY PC that only plays sony games.
Your new Nintendo Wii-thousand PC (although ninsy is kinda slow - handhelds an all, hmm) with only nintendo games.
Your new MICROSOFT PC....
Well, whatdaya know?
Gone are the days of buying any old PC game. You GOTTA go with Microsoft!... Would the likes of iD , Valve & Rockstar sell out to Microsoft?
Would you like to see, a world, where you have to own, more than one PC, to play games from different producers?
Dell for HL 4. Exclusive!
Sony for GoW 12. Exclusive!
Microsoft for... Halo? *grmbl*
But you can see the market will be segregated.
All games, are designed and made using PC's , probably on windows. The PC, can read a megaton of code and even emulate systems, with the right programming. They might say, nobody would buy a PC soley for gaming. Or, even that the games you want to play on console, you wouldn't want on a PC. Interesting how Microsoft are still selling X-box's...
The future is already here and about to begin, big-time. For your wallet anyway..
Look at the PC. Look at it's compatibibility. Look how many people own one. How did microsoft get so rich?
Add a game controller and what do you get?
I know you'd love to play Soul Calibur 4, on your PC, online, whenever you want, or any other console game thats good.
Why isn't Microsoft making their move? Where are the big console suited titles? All we need is a controller! Who runs the industry? Why don't 3rd party publishers help? Why don't they care? Who are they tied to? Why Doesn't the PC market get console games?
Microsoft. Where should i go today?
Microsoft. Who should i dominate today?
Thank you.
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