I bought a P5B motherboard, Corsair 520 wattPSU,IntelQ6600, Corsair 2GB Ram,GeForce 8600 GTincluding a copy of Windows Vista home premium. The gfx card is justfor temporary,I will hopefully upgrade to a 8800 or 9800 later this year depending on price difference.
Vista installation went fairly smooth at first but after that I got witnessed 'the blue screen of death'' for a couple of times. It seems that messing up with older programs that are not compatible with Vista will cause ''the blue screen of death''.
All went pretty well except the sound. I have Creative 5.1 speakers with a Inspire 5.1 Digital 5700 external (dunno what exactly its called but I think its a ''receiver''?). It hasEAX and DTS support.
I'm not exactly sure what type sound card I have but I think its a sound blaster audigy 5.1 (live). However... its not exactly compatible with Vista. InstallingDrivers are a pain in the ass. Creative Surround Mixer wich allows me to set the settings for my speakers... it doesn't work either. It doesn't seem compatible with vista.
I tried doing onboard sound... it sounds like trash and 5.1 doesn't seem to work. :S
Or... I can safe myself allthe troubleand justbuy aVista compatible sound card thatworks with my 5.1 speakers.
The last option only applies if its impossible to install the drivers and software needed for my speakers.
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