I overclocked it a while ago, it worked well for a while, and now it chugs a lot. I auto-tuned it back to normal (bringing it down 8 degrees celsuis) but it still chugs. It's not uncommong for my computer to randomly turn itself off, either, so maybe an issue of overheating? But it worked very well for the last 2 years, so I don't understand why it's having issues lately.
My specs are:
My processor is Intel Core i5 CPU, 750 @ 2.67 GHz
4 gigs of RAM
Graphics card is Radeon HD 5870
Running Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
It can't be an internet problem, either, as I have a password on my router and it wasn't an issue in the past. It struggles to run Super Monday Night Combat and Left 4 Dead 2 (didn't have an issue with this game in the past). The drivers are up to date, I believe.
What can/should I do?
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