I just finished playing my first hour on the open beta for Medal of Honor and i have to say this is not gonna beat black ops but give it a good run for its money. Although comparing CoD: Black ops with MoH is not really fair because CoD is focused on close-quarter combat and MoH is more opened up and has a more BFBC 2 feel, i think overall it is gonna be compared the same. Like everyone expected its like MW2 and BFBC 2. Which is a good thing! i don't know why people don't like that. Anyways i thought the MoH beta is great and i'm defiantly picking it up, since i pre-ordered it, and don't think it will beat CoD in sales, it might on the review scale but the single player also is factor so i can't really comment on that. On a side note the is little recoil on guns still. Which kinda makes sense for both a gameplay and realism. When i say realism it's to the effect of, they make guns with little recoil but some may argue that all guns have recoil even with proper stance. I know the Ak-47 is like a 1970's and maybe even earlier gun but it would be unfair to have M-16 with little recoil and AK-47 with lots of recoil. On a gameplay prospective the maps are pretty big, not BF big but bigger than CoD so shooting far range with a assault rifle is hard even without recoil. I think it works in BFBC2 to have guns with recoil because first of all people are way easier to see with the red caps and all, plus the orange indicator but in MoH i found it pretty hard to see people. Also i tried to see if the grenade launcher and AT4/RPG where overpowered and i have to say i like them the way they are. Its not like MW2 where you could just run around with "noob tubes" and get a lot of points, you have to hit people directly or very close to them to die and they can't be at full health. On a final note there isn't any camp spots that i could see but hey i only played for an hour.
Anyways, sorry for the long text and what do you think about the game?
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