The game included all of the 2004 NEXTEL Cup Series tracks except Pocono Raceway,NASCAR SimRacing
If you are really wanting a racing sim, NASCAR 2003 by Papyrus is still the best for SP and if you want to race online, iRacing is your best bet. As far as finding the track, you might find it via Google.
I know about NASCAR Racing 2003 Season and I search in Google, found one link, however it not works. But if you get this track in your game, please upload it somewhere. :) Thanks. There is that link:
Stay away from iRacing unless you have a fat wallet and want to pay for every car and every track. If you want to race online I recommend ARCA sim racing by The Sim Factory. It is what a number of leagues went to after Nascar 2003. Lots of third party adon tracks. Not good for single player as this sim was designed for league use and the AI were never tuned properly.
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